Chapter 23: Pampered Wife

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Translated by: NekoCat
Edited by: Galooza

When you have money, you'll be completely new inside and out! Liu Duo thought.

The cart driver was called Wang Guzi, an old man from the village. He sat on the side having a smoke while waiting for enough passengers to return to the village.

"Ye Yang, you can have a ride for just three copper each," the old man said, shaking the ash off his cigarette.

Ye Yang took out his wallet and handed the man six copper. He threw in the two bags of flour and one bag of rice and sat on the side.

Liu Duo looked at the cart made of wooden planks and four wooden wheels. When it starts, the ox will pull ahead. She was excited to try.

She sat down beside Ye Yang, despite having plenty of room. Ye Yang stiffened while people watching began muttering to themselves.

Ye Yang gave up bothering with it. Let others say what they want to say.

The smoke-laden man looked at Liu Duo, thinking: The little pretty lass of the Ye household doesn’t seem to be the least bit embarrassed of sitting next to a man in broad daylight.

Wang Guzi, having finally finished his smoke, cracked his whip and they were on their way.

While it started fine, all the bouncing around from the bumpy road eventually made Liu Duo’s rear end started to hurt.

The wood seats on the cart certainly weren’t padded.

Liu Duo took Ye Yang's arms and complained: "Eldest brother, my rear end hurts."

"Deal with it," he said indifferently, unable to do anything.

Deal with it? How do I do that?

Holding Ye Yang's arm to steady herself, she slid over on top of his lap. It was a thick, but soft meat pad.

"There, that’s better," she said, grinning at him.

The instant she mounted him, Ye Yang almost bucked her off. He was nervous, and his heart started to race.

"Get off, we'll be home in a bit," he said, staring at Liu Duo.

"No!" she pulled his arm around her and held it tight, afraid he would drop her.

Ye Yang was about to let out a chuckle when he saw her pitiful face. How could he throw her off like that, he had to be good to her!

Sometimes, for better or worse, a new factor in life could cause people to change. He started thinking his post 25 days might not be so uneventful.

Wobbling around, she was about to be rocked to sleep. Unbeknownst to her, Ye Yang had adjusted himself to help her sit comfortably.

"Eldest brother, I’m bored."

Other than the rumble of the ox cart, it was a quiet ride for the two of them.

"We're almost home," Ye Yang said, look out ahead.

"Eldest brother, sing a song for me," she looked up at Ye Yang, trying to find ways to entertain herself.

"..." Sing? As if he’s ever done that before!

Hearing nothing, Liu Duo turned her head and leaned back against his chest: "Forget it, I’ll sing."

She coughed, and began to sing with a clear voice: "The sun shines bright in a cloudless sky, everything is beautiful, beautiful..."

Liu Duo liked to sing in her past life, but due to her illness, her voice couldn’t project well. She was wholly incapable of singing loudly like this.

Now that she was in good health, she was grateful to God for letting her experience life again...

…and for blessing her with four unique men.

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