Your Uber Driver is Here

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Song and Simon walk with me to the parking lot by the park's playground. As we're waiting for Song's friend, I'm a bit lost in my thoughts.

I find it funny how all of our names start with the letter S. Song, Simon, Sky... What is that called again? Alliteration?
Yeah, that sounds right.
I mention this funny coincidence to Simon and he laughs.
He asks, "are you sure it's a coincidence?"
He's looking at me and our eyes are saying, "Maybe it's fate," but out loud we only chuckle.

· · ·

I'm in the back of this dude's car, crammed between Song and Simon. We could have more space but the passenger seat is apparently reserved for the driver's teddy bear.

My new friends must have already forgotten I'm new and they haven't introduced me to the driver yet.

I nudge Song in the arm and whisper, "who's this?"
Song giggles a little, which turns into full-fledged cackling. Like, evil witch cackling, and the whole time she's trying to catch her breath, I'm just very confused. My eyes are watering a bit and so I sorta look at my lap. Once Song finds her chill again, she cups her hands around my ear and whispers, as if trying not to embarrass me, "he's an Uber driver."

On the other side of me, Simon just looks really confused and left out.
I try to laugh as a tear drips down my face. Simon is quick to take notice and reaches over to wipe it off with his thumb, oh-so-gently. There's a little tension in that moment. Not bad tension. Song realizes what Simon's doing and quickly corrects her mood to match the situation.
"Wait, are you crying? I'm sorry Sky, did I say something wrong?" She questions me.
There's a lump in my throat, and I know I can't speak so I just shake my head. Then, I hide my face, knowing it must be red.

I hate that I cry when I'm confused. I feel humiliated that these almost-strangers have already seen me cry, barely an hour after meeting them. It's not just the embarrassment, I don't want to be the center of attention any more.
I want to learn about their lives because they know my life story and I only know their names.

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