[Chapter 10] Unpleased outcome

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Asia cast the Gremory glyph teleporting Y/n and her back to the ORC. After a couple of seconds, they opened their eyes to see themselves back at the ORC with everyone looking worried at Asia.

Rias: "ASIA, WHAT HAPPENED!" She yelled in, worry upon seeing her almost naked and smeared with blood.

Asia: "I-I was attacked by my contractor, but Y/n saved me." She looked over to Y/n, who proudly flapped his wings on her shoulder, making her giggle.

Rias: "I'm happy you're alright, and I'll make sure that your contractor gets the punishment he deserves."

Issei: "I'm also glad that you're alright, and I can help you dress if you want." He said with a perverted look on his face while walking over to Asia, but before he could come close, Y/n transformed into his humanoid form and stood in front of Asia, protecting her from the pervert.

Upon seeing Y/n in his humanoid form, everyone gasped as he was drenched in blood, most of his black skin was now blood red.

Asia: "Y-Yeah, about the punishment for my contractor that's already been dealt with."

Rias wanted to ask what Y/n did but stopped when everyone heard a cup break on the ground. Everyone looked where it happened and saw Akeno on her knees, staring at Y/n's bloody face with a frightened look.

Akeno: "I-It w-was you." She said, pointing at him.

Y/n tried to play it off and ask Asia what she was talking about, but when he turned around, he saw her also looking at him in fright.

Asia: "I-Is that t-true Y/n?"

Y/n: "What are you guys talking about?"

Asia: "Were you the one that killed those three people two days ago?"

Y/n: "What? How could I have done that when I've been staying in the familiar forest."

Asia: "That's true. Akeno, are you sure you're not mistaken?" She asked, turning to Akeno.

Akeno: "I'm s-sure; it's the same l-look."

Everyone was still discussing if Y/n was the culprit, and he was happy they didn't suspect him immediately, but then ISSEI had to open his fucking mouth.

Issei: "Wait, a couple of days ago, my friends showed me a picture of a bird that looked exactly like Y/n, when you two teleported back here." He said while showing the photo on his phone.

Rias: "What are you implying?" She said, looking at the photo and then Y/n.

Issei: "Well, if that was him, doesn't that mean he could come to the human world whenever he wants?"

Everyone turned to Y/n and saw him looking at Issei with an angry gaze.

Asia: "Y/n.."

He looked at her.

Asia: "Is this true? Are you able to come here without my summoning."

Y/n: "...Yes"

Asia's face darkened as her hair hung before her eyes.

Asia: "Did you do it?"

Y/n: "..."

Asia: "WELL!!?" She yelled, grabbing Y/n by his shoulders.

Y/n: "I didn't kill those fallen angels!" He yelled, trying to convince her.

When Asia heard his answer, she let go of his shoulders, and her face darkened once again.

Asia: "We didn't say that they were fallen angels." Everyone looked in shock at Y/n now, knowing that he was the one that did it.

Y/n's eyes widen, realizing that he fucked up big time.

Y/n: "M-Master, I swear I didn't do it." He tried to plead, but she ignored it.

Asia: "What did you do to them, and there is no point in lying anymore, we know you killed them." She said, now looking at him with tears in her eyes and an angered look.

Rias: "How are you able to understand him?"

Asia turned to Rias and said: "With telepathy." then turned back around to Y/n and said: "Well?"

Y/n: "They attacked me first, so I just defended myself what's wrong with that!"

Asia: "And how did you "defend" yourself?"

Y/n: "You know... quick and merciful."

Asia: "Y/n tell me the TRUTH, NO MORE LIES!" She yelled, now standing inches away from his face.



When she said that something happened, Y/n fell to his knees, and his eyes gained Asia's magic glyph as pupils, but before anyone could do anything, the same happened to Asia, and they were now both on their knees in front of each other.


Y/n opened his eyes and saw only the void around him, he tries to stand up, but it seems like his legs don't want to work, and then he started hearing sounds. The sounds of himself talking and the screams of an angry fallen angel.

Y/n: "Oh no." he thought when all of a sudden, the sounds stopped, and a screen popped up in front of him.

He watched the events from his fight unfold, but the weird thing is that it only showed what he did. After a couple of minutes watching the screen vanished and he lost consciousness.


His eyes opened once again and saw that he was back in the ORC, and while he looked around, he saw his master also wake up.

Rias: "What happened to the two of you, Asia?" She asked baffled.

Asia: "Monster.."

Everyone: "Monster?" The ORC said as she looked at Y/n.

Asia: "I saw what you did to them, and that is not what I call self-defense. I CALL THAT SLAUGHTER." She yelled, standing back up.

Y/n: "I saw the same thing, and it only showed me it didn't show how it started!" It must've only shown what I did because that is the only thing she ordered to see.

Asia: "Enough with you lies. Get out." Y/n blinked a couple of times as if he didn't hear her correctly.

Y/n: "W-What master, you can't be serious."

Asia: "GO, I thought you could be trusted. You already killed someone today, but I looked the other way for that since you did it to save me, but now I hear you killed three more and on top of that you LIED about it, and that is something I can't accept, so I'm done with you for the moment. Leave." She said with the whole ORC behind her.

Y/n: "Very well... Asia." He said, disappearing into black smoke.

Asia: "AND DON'T YOU DARE HIDE IN MY SHADOW!" She said, looking behind her to see an unnatural shadow disappear from view.

[DISCONTINUED] A self-proclaimed tricksterWhere stories live. Discover now