Chapter 2 - The sleepover, Oh crap, it's that time of the month

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"Oh crap. I'm late, no no no!" I screamed to myself as I woke up from my unintentional three hour nap. "Great, only 20 minutes 'till I've gotta be there. I've gotta go fast."

I dashed around scooping up the few necessities that I will need for the sleepover, "Shirt, underwear, socks, toothbrush and anything else? Uuuuuuuh... Crap I need to check the lunar calendar!"

I sprinted down the stairs to the kitchen where the calendar was on the wall hanging from a single rusted nail. "Let's see, oh thank Christ, yep first Saturday of June. Full moon is in two days."

I grabbed my keys and phone off of the side and bolted out of the door, locking it quickly and taking off down the street, all the time firing off a text to Heidi.

Hey, on my way over now. I overslept :P - Eddy

I ran through the park, trying to avoid slamming into random little kids who are spending time playing with their friends when I heard the vibration of my phone due to my enhieghtend senses that come with lycanthropey.

Kk, see you in a min ;) - Heidi x

I chuckle to myself. Heidi is great, she was my second friend but recently something has been off about her, she's been really secretive and keeping things from me. Oh well, it's probably nothing.

Finally, I got to Ryan and Heidi's house. Five minutes late, I knocked on the door. It burst open with a flash of blonde crashing into me, tackling me to the floor.

"Hey Dee, how ya doin'?" I asked the girl now pinning me to the floor.

"Don't call me that, you know I hate that name!" Heidi replied angry. She than proceeded to hit me in the shoulder. "You're late. And you know what that means."

"Oh crap, do I really have to?" I countered, trying to escape her grasp. "It's really boring."

"Yep" Heidi supplied, popping the 'p' on her reply, "if you didn't want to do it then you should have been on time."

So there I was, standing there by the oven waiting for the pizzas to finish cooking. This punishment is so unfair, I mean nobody else can possibly be late, Ryan and Heidi live here and Lucy lives next door so she is practically always here.

Finally, the oven timer dings bringing me away from my thoughts. I opened the oven door and let the heavenly smell waft over me, with my hands safely encased in oven gloves I removed the delicious food from the oven and placed them on four separate plates. After cutting them I took two through and gave them to the girls, then went back for mine and Ryan's.

After we had finished eating it was about 9:00 pm and we were bored, so we did the standard sleepover thing, turned on the xbox. Ten minutes later we were all shooting each other with space lasers and death rays along with a slew of vehicles. Lucy and myself were mainly just cannon fodder for the two siblings and we're caught in the crossfire of sibling rivalry at its peak.

After an hour and a half of playing there were deafening cheers from one side of the room and angry yells from the other.

"God dammit" Ryan screamed, throwing his controller down on the floor. "I can't believe you won!"

"That's right, the champion is in the house!" Heidi bragged. "You suck, Ryan!"

"Actually, no matter who won the champion would still be in the house." I threw into their discussion. At which point, they both turned to me and yelled " Shut up Eddy, no one cares!" before turning to each other and breaking out into laughter.

"Well that was rather rude." I responded jokingly.  "I'm gonna get a drink, anybody want anything?"

"Nope, I'm good, there's some coke in the fridge though." Ryan answered.

"I'm good thanks, I might get one later." Lucy added.

"Actually, yeah, I'll have one if you're going." Heidi said.

"Alright then," I replied, "be back in a minute."

I wandered into the kitchen and headed over to the American style freezer, pulled open the doors and grabbed out two cans of coke. After vigorously shaking one of them. I returned to the rest of them, handed Heidi the shaken can and went to stand at the other side of the room. Heidi went to open her can, here I was watching intently, then finally... Nothing, wait what, I opened my own can and got sprayed with the liquid from inside. I glared at her.

"How did you do that, how?" I asked, baffled at what happened. "What did you do?"

Heidi just smirked.

"Secrets, secrets" Heidi replied, "every girl's gotta have a few of 'em."

Damn you Heidi, I will find out. If only I knew that I would find out that very night.

After the whole can thing, we just sat and talked for half an hour about unimportant things until Heidi had the idea of the traditional game. Truth or dare.

A few minutes later we were all sat in a circle on the floor.

"Alright, I'll go first." Heidi stated, "Lucy, truth or dare?"

"hmmm" Lucy pondered, "I'll go for a truth."

"Alright then," Heidi said with a grin. "If you had to choose somebody to go out with, other than Ryan, who would it be?"

"Easy," Lucy replied, "Nobody"

At which point she gave Ryan, who was sat to her right a hug and kiss before sitting back in her place.

"Alright then," Lucy said. "Ryan, truth or dare?"

"Dare!" Ryan replied boldly. "I shall accept any challenge you throw at me."

"Oh really?" Lucy questioned with a smirk "In that case you have to hug Eddy for 1 minute."

At this Ryan turned to face me. I just smirked at him and threw my arms out to the side.

"Come here big guy." I said to him and gave him a bear hug which he responded with in kind which quickly turned into a wrestling match. He won.

The game continued like this for a while until at 11:45 I was asked a question by Ryan.

"Eddy," Ryan asked, "Truth or dare?"

"Truth," I responded, "ask me anything. I dare you.

"Alright then," Ryan said. "What is your biggest secret?"

That was when it hit me, that feeling of adrenaline as my heart started pounding. I looked at the clock which said 11:50, 5th of July. Wait, July?

"Oh crap." I said as I whipped out my phone ana tapped in the password to unlock it. I went to the Internet app and searched for the lunar calendar. Uh oh, tonight is the full moon. I turned slowly to the others who all had confused looks on their faces.

"Well Ryan, you are about to find out" I said mysteriously, "Just don't panic, I'll be back in about an hour."

Just then I began to transform into my wolf form for the first time in front of my friends, this would change all of our lives forever.

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