Chapter 7 - Long Live the King

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Eddy's POV

I cried all through the night.

Nobody left, they stayed with me through the duration. After about 10 minutes of crying on the doorstep I was moved to the living room. How could he be dead? It just can't happen. No. That was the last coherent thing I could think before I cried myself to sleep.

The next few days were a blur. Nobody wanted to leave me by myself so they set up a rota as to who would stay with me during the day time then they'd always come back at night. After a week and a half I kind of just snapped out of my blank state.

It was Saturday morning at 5:30 according to my phone. I decided that I needed to move on. The rest of my friends were woken up half an hour later by the sounds and smell of bacon frying in a pan. Seraphine was the first to come into the kitchen, she bolted towards me and pounced, tackling onto me and squeezing the life from my body. Okay, bad analogy. When the others finally made it in to see me with a flaming haired girl backpack, they looked confused.

Everything was silent for what felt like days until...

"So, are you gonna serve that bacon or am I gonna have to steal it?"

"Yes Heidi, I'll do it in a minute, go and sit down." I relied to our resident vampire. Cynthia grabbed her arm and dragged her away. After prying both Seraphine from my back and Ryan's face from Lucy's, I brought through two plates, one filled with bacon and one for bread.

After we had all eaten I found that everyone was staring at me. I sighed.

"Listen, I know that I've been out of it for a while and I'm sorry that you've had to deal with it. I can't thank you all enough. I'm better now, I just can't talk about it, I'd rather remember the good things about my father than that he has died." I spoke to the group. "So, what's the plans for today? I need to make a lot of schedule changes if I'm gonna get to the mortal king."

"You aren't serious are you?" Cynthia asked with an incredulous look on her face. Seraphine was wearing a matching one whilst Ryan and Heidi looked confused, Lucy however just looked pensive.

"Why is he not serious?" Heidi then asked.

"It's an old tale from our history, every born hidden-worlder knows the story. Merlin and Morgan Le Fay we're tasked with looking out for King Arthur, they were always by him when he needed them and he was the first mortal to know of the hidden world. Because of this he created his inner circle with different members of the hidden world, he had Merlin on one side, and Lancelot on the other. He was a lycanthrope. Lancelot fell in love with Morgan La Fay and she sat on his other side. Next to Merlin was a vampire named Helena, and her Sirer named Thomas. By Morgan's side was the elf known as Guinevere, and finally linking the ends together was a metamorph named Jean. They fought together through many battles until one day, the dark world appeared, they threatened to destroy all of our worlds and take them for their own. So they gathered around their table and created the plan to keep them away. Merlin would trap the dark world into the magical Island of Avalon, whilst the others fought to keep them at bay Merlin would tether the island to Camelot castle and push the island from this dimension. However it is said that eventually the dark worlders will find their way back to this plane of existence and try to rise again, and only the mortal King of Avalon can stop them."

Everyone was quiet at the end of my story. Heidi and Ryan looked dumbfounded, Lucy looked like she was going to throw up and the two witches looked at me like I was crazy. Heidi was the first one to snap out of it.

"So Eddy is taking this thing seriously then?" She asked confusedly.

"Yes I am, it's something that has been passed down my family line for years." I replied "ever since the days of Camelot, my ancestors have been tasked with holding on to this information, ready for when the dark world should return, unfortunately my father never believed in such a thing so we lost track of Arthur's line, until recently that is. My ancestor was Lancelot himself, best friend to Arthur. We found our way through time to stand with each other over and over again as our spirits were reborn into our lines again and again to keep the dark world at bay and we must do so once again my brother. Will you take up your sword with me to destroy the Dark World for good and unite our worlds together? Ryan, you are the heir of the Mortal King of Avalon, you have King Arthur's spirit inside of you and you must lead the battle against the dark world."

That's when everyone burst out laughing, apparently I had stood up during my speech and looked like a bit of a prat.

"That is funny Eddy, thanks or that man, it's great." Ryan said with tears rolling down his face.

"This is serious Ryan." I said as sternly as I could. "You must have the sword in your house somewhere."

"We have a sword, we've never been allowed near it though." Heidi chipped in.

"That must be it, the sword from the stone." I cried out. "You wouldn't be allowed near it in case of waking its power too early."

"I think you are stretching it a bit far there Eddy." Cynthia remarked.

"Then check his soul." Lucy said quietly.

"You don't believe him do you?" Ryan asked.

"To be honest it seems like some prophesy magic just awoke inside of Eddie." Seraphine added.

"Cynthia can do the check now as a Necromancer, check his soul to see if it is that of King Arthur's. Then we will know for sure." Was Lucy's retort.

"How do you even know that?" Ryan asked.

"I do this thing called paying attention during our hidden world lessons." Lucy shot back then stuck her tongue out.

"Fine, just do it, get this nonsense out of the way." Ryan said.

So Cynthia stood up and gathered her powers to turn her fingers into long sharp blade-like claws of pure black, as if nothing could ever exist, then pushed it into his chest. Ryan's back arched as he threw his head and arms backwards. Nobody moved for a minute as if time had frozen for them all. Until Cynthia pulled her hand out of his chest.

"Um, Eddy is right." Cynthia mumbled "He is the Mortal King."

Holy crap, I actually wrote something, I hope this is okay, I put a lot of stuff into this and hope it works, see you next year :P


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