Chapter 8 - The Quest Begins!

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Eddy's POV

"Called it, I god damn called it" I said with a smug grin on my face. "I knew he'd be it, I just knew it!"

The glares I got from the others as Ryan just stood there without moving, he had a blank but haunted look on his face. It was kind of creepy.

"Eddy?" Cynthia questioned. "Could you do us all a favor and shut up for a moment, serious stuff in happening right now and I'm not dealing with your attitude."

"Okay, you're right, I'm sorry." I said, all of the smugness leaving my body and replaced with embarrassment and concern for my best friend.

After a long pause that seemed to stretch on for hours Ryan finally sat down again and took a piece of bacon from his plate and threw it at my face.

"You can be an ass sometimes Eddy" He said with a smile.

"I know and I'm proud of it." I grinned back.

"Well, I'm glad to see everything is back to normal...ish." Heidi added. "Now, how about we finish off this bacon and then go grab that ancient sword and fulfill our pre-written destinies! Okay we may need to work on normal."

After quickly inhaling the remainders of the bacon we traveled over to the Jones residence to collect the legendary Excalibur.

When we arrived at the house we all headed up the stairs and into the attic, holy crap there was a lot of stuff. we then began to rummage through everything, there were chests full of old paintings, a old cuddly monkey teddy, which was quickly reclaimed by Heidi with a giant hug, to the toy, not me, and there was even a full suit of armour which unfortunately was unusable as it was in too much disrepair.

Eventually, after an hour of searching, we stumbled across an ancient looking shield of metal shield, coloured in azure with three golden crown on it, it was a bit battered but still in relatively good condition, however, the most interesting thing was the sword that was strapped to it, with two chimeras on a golden hilt, the blade looking like fire as the light glanced off of it. Excalibur.

"Oh my god. It's real." Ryan said. He reached out and grabbed the sword and held it aloft. We all felt a little underwhelmed when nothing happened, it didn't glow or anything. Another ten second went past.

"Well that was crap" I said, as soon as the words finished leaving my mouth the entire attic flashed with golden light so bright none of us could look until it had subsided. 

When we could once again see we looked to Ryan, who was sweating like he'd run a marathon in those few seconds of light.

"I think it's safe to say that we are doing this quest then." Seraphine stated cautiously.

"I guess so." I replied.

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Who's that?" Heidi asked.

"That would be your girlfriend." I relied with a grin.

"How can you know that." She questioned me further.

"Heidi, I've known you for years, and as I am a werewolf I have an amazing sense of smell. I know your normal scent, and if I take that away from the way you smell now then I get her scent." I answered. "And now we get to meet her!"

"Oh god!" Heidi exclaimed. She ran down the stairs at full pelt, which was kind of cheating, using her powers but we were hot on her heels. When we all got to the front door she started to take a couple of breaths and started smoothing out her T-Shirt before opening the door. The first look that Alex got of us was all of us stood in a line leaning forward over each others shoulders with Heidi at the front looking apologetic and frustrated.

Alex was a tall girl, about a head taller than Heidi and was rather skinny, she had a pale complexion with long, dark black hair that reached to the bottom of her back. She was also wearing a black beanie, a t-shirt with a checkered shirt over the top and a leather jacket, along with some deep blue skinny jeans with rips on the knees.

"Um... Hi." She said.

"Hello." All of us said in unison with Heidi, who turned to give us a murderous glare.

"Come on in." Heidi said on her own this time and shoved us all away.

We all moved into the living room and talked with Alex for a while. It was an interesting affair as there were only four seats, luckily it appeared that mine, Ryan's and Alex's laps all doubled as chairs for our girlfriends leaving a space open for Cynthia to have a seat. We learnt that Alex was almost a double of Heidi, apart from how they looked. Oddly enough with her in our group we seemed nearly complete like only something small was missing. After talking for a while Alex had to head off back home, leaving Heidi with a kiss that stunned us all and nearly floored our resident Vampire. That earned her a large amount of teasing which she didn't seem to notice as she was stuck in her own daydream world.

Before long the rest of decided to head home, apart from Lucy of course, with Seraphine deciding that she was coming with me. Once we'd left the house, 20 minutes after Cynthia, Seraphine jumped on my back and 'requested' that I carry her. It wasn't a problem due to my excess strength and if it made her happy then that was all that mattered.

We finally made it back to my house and I put Seraphine down to get out my keys and unlock the door. Once inside we go upstairs to my room. Seraphine then fire traveled back to her house to pick up some clothes and I took that time to get changed, not comfortable with the idea of Seraphine being nearby whilst i am getting changed. When Seraphine got back she had already changed into pyjamas so we just got into my bed and cuddled up before falling asleep after five minutes. It had been a long day.

Well, there you have it, Chapter 8 all wrapped up and done, I hope you enjoy it. I'd like to say thank you to dolphinmanix for reading through the entirety of this book and voting on all the chapters, it means a lot, even if it isn't that long. Oh, and thank you for calling me a girl :P.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2016 ⏰

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