Hitting That High Note (+16)

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Halo! I haven't uploaded anything because I just didn't have Wattpad on my mind! Srry! Well I'm back with more for you thristy people. Enjoy!

   Me and Jimin haven't done anything together in awhile... The more I think about it the loneliness I feel grows. He says he'll make time for me but that hasn't happened yet. I want to tell him but then he'll just blab about how busy he is all the time and how I'm not thankful for all the money he makes for us. But when will he understand that I want him and not money?! He's been out for awhile now and it's beginning to worry me. I already tried to text him but no answer. I'm about to text him again when I hear a bang on the door. I jumped. It sounded like someone rammed into the door! I got up from my bed and scurried down stairs to find Jimin stumbling in. He appeared to be drunk off his ass! He plastered himself on the couch and when I approached him he didn't seem to notice. "Jimin, why do you look so wasted? What did you do?" He looked at me as if I had startled him. "I'm fine Y/n. I just had a lot to drink with the other members. Now who wants to play in bed?" At first I thought he was joking from how drunk he was but he was serious. He began to unbutton his shirt until he was able to rip it off completely. I was showered with his abs that were sweaty and glistening through the moonlight from the window. I was staring at him for a couple seconds then snapped out of it. "Jimin why would you rip your shirt off?! Go out on another shirt. I don't feel like "playing" today!" He just got up and pulled me into his arms. He forced me to sit on his lap. It was a trick.
   He quickly grabbed my waist and pulled me down onto the couch where he spread my legs open. He then attacked my neck with the hottest kisses ever! It happened all so quickly that I didn't notice about 5 moans escape my mouth. He went from my neck to my upper chest saying, "Moan more for me baby." I knew he would do something else quickly and although I was enjoying it, I wanted him to stop. I looked around and saw my foot near his pants. I look closer and can see a bulge with his hard dick ready for escape. I decided to take control and rub my foot against it. The second I did that he moaned the highest moan I had ever heard! It reminded me of Michael Jackson! He let go of me for that second.
   I took that moment to pin him down the couch and threatened to make him cum non-stop. He was panting from giving me do many kisses that he couldn't breathe. He stared at me with his blank stare while sweat was running down his face. He finally responded with nod and said, "Fine. If your not in the mood, I won't make you." Finally some respect around here!
   I got off of him and just in case he would try a little trick or something, I ran up the stairs! I changed into my pajamas and heard Jimin going through the refrigerator. He was probably trying to find something to eat. I sat in bed and waited for him to come into the room. When he did, he jumped on the bed and sighed. At that moment, a question popped in my mind. "Jimin, how did you moan such a high pitch?" The calm smile slowly faded off his face. His cheeks turned as red as tomatoes! "Well, you caught me by surprise and I guess it just came out that way." I giggled at that response. He turned my way smiling at me. He cupped my face in his hand and said, "This is why I love you. You can be funny and giggly but also seductive as hell. Y'know, you drive me crazy sometimes! I love you." I could tell he wasn't drunk anymore so he wasn't about to get emotional. I smiled and said, "Well glad that I make you feel good in more different ways than another but I'm tired." He rolled his eyes and kissed my forehead saying good night. He turned out the lights and pulled me into his arms as we cuddled ourselves to sleep.

Sorry I've been gone and that this one isn't short but not long either! I wasn't expecting to finish this so soon but I need something so ta-da! This appeared! This was actually requested by Thotsuki_Bakugou. I couldn't think of anything to write about and she gave me this idea! Welp I'll be back with more who knows when! I Love UwU! 💜💜💜💜🌺

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