Televison Cheat pt.6

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Halo! If this chapter seems shorter than usual it's because I got caught up in school work. I know I said that I would stay on track with my deadline but I may have to change it again.😬 Please don't be mad! I'll still try to keep up with the deadline until I absolutely have to change it. Anyway with that out of the way, enjoy!

Jungkook POV
   I was expecting to see Taehyung instead of Y/n but.....why? I asked her what she was doing here. "I know you're probably mad at me for leaving without hearing your explanation but... I'm sorry and I'm ready to hear it now. If you can jus-" I didn't let her finish. I missed her too much to let her finish. I leaned in to kiss her. I really am a mess without her. I expecting Y/n to be surprised and mad, but to my surprise, she kissed me back. We continued kissing for about 10 seconds before breaking. I wanted to apologize but she embraced me. It felt like she missed me too. I'm glad.
   After that, I let her inside and we both sat on the couch. I asked if she wanted or needed anything but she declined. I told her I thought I would never see her again. Her face expression changed after I said that. She went from her normal face to a surprised; guilty look. In seconds she broke down.
   "I'm so sorry! I really wanted to see you again too but I was scared that you hated me after I left without hearing you out. I was just mad and sad when I left. I should've waited and listened. I know you probably didn't mean to hurt me but I still didn't listen. Can you forgive me?" I sighed. Not only had I become stressed mess but she did too.
   "Of course I forgive you! It looks like we've both been messes since that night. I'm sorry I never told you the truth. I was scared you'd leave me if I told you." She looked guilty again. "I'd probably be mad at first but I would let you tell me why. But it's ok cause now....we both have to explain ourselves."
   I nodded and she said I should start. I told her about my dream of becoming an idol and how I found an agency that was willing to help. I really would do anything to reach my dream. I explained that soon my manager started caring less about what I want and more about money. It got to the point where I needed to do everything he said or he would stop helping me. One of those things was working with that studio. I paused a sec because I had to tell her that her best fried Risa was working with the studio as well. But we said we had to explain everything. I told her that shortly after I started working with the studio, I started working with Risa as well. I didn't feel comfortable about the whole thing but I had no choice.
   For a few seconds she was in shock but then she asked if she could confess everything too. I asked her what she needed to confess. "Don't you want to know about how I found out or where I've been." I gasped. "Ohhhh! Sorry I completely forgot about that too." She chuckled. That beautiful laugh. I missed it. She took a deep breath and started talking.

   I took a deep breath after hearing everything he had to say, and started off with that night. I told him how I went into the drawer he told me not to go through and that I found the code to the tv channel. "Oh yeah. I forgot that too. I did that because the antenna for the tv also aired my studio's stuff. I was scared you'd find out that way so I put the pin there. I'm really sorry about that." I nodded and told him not to be. "You don't have to be sorry. It was actually quite smart. I would've never thought to hide something like that." I continued that at first I didn't know where to go. I didn't have money and no one seemed to be awake. I told him that I called Risa and she said that I could stay. Jungkook gasped. I nodded. I told him that the next day she seemed to be fishy so snooped around and saw that she worked with you. I tried confronting her about it, but she straight up lied to my face. I left her and came here.
   At first Jungkook was shocked. I honestly couldn't blame him though. He probably thought I already knew about Risa and her job. We both put our heads down. We realized that we need to be more honest with each other. At least I hope he realized that. He lifted his head up and grabbed my hands. "From now on I want us to promise something. We have to be more honest with each other. From now on I'll tell you everything no matter how bad it is." He wrapped his arms around me so tight I thought I would suffocate. I hugged him back. We stayed like that for a good 5 minutes. I really does feel warm being in his arms.
   We apologized to each other and since we were both tired, we decided to sleep together. As we were getting in bed, I remembered something. What are we going to do about Risa and Jungkook's job?

My stories are normally about a couple 1000 words, this one has about 900. Again sorry for the shorter story and I'm thinking of doing a QnA....if you have any questions leave them down below for a future QnA. 😁 With that being said, I will now say good bye and see you next week! I Love UwU!💜💜💜💜🌺

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