The Raid On The Nexus

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After some planning, we decided that the best bet we would have is to use the lander to close the distance, without leaving the atmosphere, so that there would be no chance that the portal idea would fail.

As we reached the upper atmosphere alarms started going off so we lowered the lander until they stopped.

We all began to gear up and prepare for this raid, I upgraded my tech and weapons for a fight against Dread, I know he is not gonna let us go peacefully. Luke Warm worked with Jake to create some metal suit with flamethrowers on the arms, fueled by tanks on his back. Jake grabbed some scrap metals and other things from around the ship and put together a retractable/extendable claw device for his hands. Now is the time for action.

We all stood together in the cargo bay as the queen opened up a portal to the space station, "Okay, all of you, stay alive and Dynamo, when you are all done contact me and I will open the portal to get you all out, everyone stays together."

"Yes, M'Lady." The guy with the ax responded.

"Thank you Nate, But please, focus on the mission, you need full attention to succeed." The queen said as she motioned for everyone to go through the portal, which we all promptly did.

As we arrived at the space station I saw two Savior Co. dropships flying up and docking, coming out of them were a lot of soldiers from the US army. "We are behind you all of the way Dynamo." Someone who seemed to be their commander said.

"Intruder alert, Intruder alert." I heard from speakers as sirens started going off and robots began to come after us and one of them shot at us and missed, hitting a shelf causing metal crates and supply boxes to fall blocking the exit to the docking bay.

"Well, at least they can't get to us," Jake said, but soon after we heard things being destroyed on the other side of the rubble. Soon the rubble began to shake and was then all launched towards us, just barely missing us. On the other side was Talon who seemed to use the twin hyperspheres to destroy the robots and launch the boxes out of the way.

"Talon, are you okay, how did you just do that?" Nate questioned.

"Well, it turns out that having control of the twin hyperspheres has allowed me the ability to control gravity," Talon responded.

"Perfect, now let's make our way to the nexus," I said as I led the team through the hallway. "Anyone got a clue where the nexus is at?" I followed up.

"I do, here," Jake said as he handed me a Savior Co. Holographic Projector Mk.2. I pressed the button and it projected a map of the space station, perfect.

We began to make our way to the nexus when Jake stopped us, "I will meet you all at the nexus, I have something else here that I need to attend to."

"Okay, but if you aren't at the nexus when we leave, don't expect us to wait for you." Luke Warm said.

Jake ran off down another hallway as we continued pushing forward, soon enough running into a group of a mix of robots and soldiers, all with guns, all aiming at us. The moment they began firing I saw the hyperspheres launch from behind me and start spinning in the middle of the hallway causing all of the bullets to just go up and hit the ceiling, Luke Warm than walked up and incinerated them with the flamethrowers while laughing hysterically.

After the battle, we continued to push forward until we saw a large chamber, that once we walked into it the door we come through and the exit door on the other side slammed shut.

We were confused as to what was happening until a platform in the middle of the room began lowering, with a big mech suit on it, inside of the mech suit however was the owner of Savior Co.

"You thought I would just let you Villians win, please watch the screens," he said as screens on the walls turned on, on them we saw a barrage of missiles, this time all hitting the building we got all of the survivors into. "Your city is dead, its citizens are dead, more blue steel growth is being accelerated as we speak, but yet you fight on, don't you get it, you failed them, you brought this upon them, this is all your fault!" he exclaimed.

"No, we may have failed to save them, but you can bet we will do all we can do to avenge them," I responded.

I began to open fire with my pistols on the only part of him still visible and out of the mech suit, his head. The army than dispersed and did the same. Luke Warm began firing at the suit, trying to overheat the system, and Nate used a portal to get on his arm where he began to hack away at the weapons.

After a long time of fighting and dodging attacks and losing the lives of many soldiers, we managed to destroy his suit and it ejected him, "Please, Please no don't hurt me!" He began to plead as walked up to him with my sword drawn.

"An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind, Commander, take what army you have left and get this man on a drop-ship, take him back to Earth, and do what you feel is right," I said as I sheathed my sword.

The doors opened and Luke Warm, Nate, and I began to push forward again, our forces dwindling rapidly.

As we were reaching the Nexus I saw Jake come around the corner of the hallway and he was in some sort of a Savior Co. metal wolf looking suit.

"Wow, Jake nice upgrade," I said as I saw him.

"Please, call me Midnight Wold." He said in response.

I nodded and we walked into the chamber with the nexus.

It was surprisingly unguarded, but I wasn't going to let my guard down, I hacked into the system and clicked the button to cool it, the floor under the nexus opened up and it lowered down into space. When this happened we all focused our attacks on the metal beam connecting it to the space station, just as it began to retract we busted it off and it fell into space, as it did, however, we regained our powers.

I then pressed the button on my gauntlet to let the queen know we were ready, soon after a portal opened and we began to go through it. After everyone else went through I began to but got stopped by an explosion launching me back and disrupting the portal, allowing me to see Dread standing right behind it.

I shot a lightning bolt at dread and then charged my sword blade with electricity and slashed at him, slicing one of his horns clean in half.

Some strange shadow-like tree began to sprout out of the hole in his horn. This scared me slightly but I couldn't give up. I had to keep fighting until I heard... "Warning, the nexus has been jettisoned unintentionally, this has caused unexpected damage and the station will soon explode everyone and all personnel evacuate immediately, I repeat evacuate immediately. I began to attempt to make my way out, but the station exploded before I could, everything suddenly went black.

No...No this can't be happening, I can't be dead, this can't be, the fight isn't over yet, I am just knocked out, that is all, I will wake up soon, I swear I will.

However, I still saw nothing, just darkness.

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