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A/N: Hey guys.

So, this was split from the previous chapter. So yeah this is part 2. And being republished. Moi needs some change in her life.

I can't wait for P5R to come! It looks beautiful!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

You worked at (part-time job) as you were drawing near to your first year to college; (college name). It was only a steady walk to your apartment but the sun was already setting and the streets were nearly empty.

You walked down the sidewalk when your phone pinged. You checked it to see an email. Once you opened it, your steps faltered as your eyes widened.


A little birdie told me you were gonna head back to school soon.

I'd thought we could catch up, make up for lost time.

It's the least I can do, for you.

See you soon.

- Akira

You heart flipped as you checked it over several times. It was the exact same email address Akira gave you. It could just be someone else posing as him like a copycat or something. You had doubts but your heart wouldn't stop beating so quickly.

You continued walking, pondering about the message.

Was that really Akira?

 But how did he know where you were?

And why did he choose now to reach out to you?

So many questions swam in your mind that you almost missed the feeling of being watched.

You looked over the shoulder and saw no one before looking left to right. You have seen enough shows and movies to know to not let your guard down. You put your phone in your jacket before your hand touched your jeans pocket, feeling the small object inside, before focusing ahead. As you saw your apartment in the distance, you felt eyes staring at the back of your head. You brought your purse closer to you as your arm carefully reached to your jeans pocket, keeping a calm walking pace. You walked past a small store closed for the night when you saw your reflection in the glass window. Yours and some shady guy who reached their hand out.

Your heart stopped as you quickly pulled out the pepper spray when you felt their arm wrap roughly around you as you were dragged into the alleyway next to the store.

"Oh, feisty one, aren't ya?" The alcohol drenched voice spoke in your ear, making your stomach lurch.

You struggled against them, feeling the build of a man, when his hand covered your mouth as you were about to scream. "I just want some money from you, and maybe some fun later on." He chuckle sourly.

Your eyes narrowed as you bit his hand, making him swear, before slamming your elbow in his face before breaking free from his arm, pulling the small can out before pepper spraying him in the face. He swore loudly as he clutched his face, screaming in agony.

"Ass hole." You spat before running to where you came from only to be blocked by another of them. Once he noticed his buddy down, he snarled at you, pulling a crow bar from the inside of his jacket. "Crap. Why though douche bags always come in flocks?" You ran the other way as he pursued you. You went down the left swiftly, pulling out your phone as you speed dialed 911. You did your best to swerve left and right in the back way, hoping you could reach the back entrance to your apartment and maybe find some help. You heard him getting closer as the call came through.

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