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A/N: Hey guys! This is it. Final part. 

I do NOT own this gif. I found it from tumblr so credit goes to whoever made this beautiful gif. Because I needed one of this scene. Because LOOK AT HIM! AKIRA, YOU HANDSOME BOI!

So, for those that have read this story fully, thanks! I hope you enjoy.

"I want us to be side by side from now on."

"I feel the same way."

"So ... I propose – "

"W – W – What?!" You stuttered, feeling your face burn up.

" – that you join our trip."

"Whoa whoa whoa! Wait! You want me to be a tag along?"

"Yep!" He made a pop sound on the p.

"To just go?"


"Just drop everything and go on this mission of yours?"

"Sounds like your calling it a honeymoon." He teased.

"It's not!" You squeaked out, making him smirk.

"We could elope along the way."

"WHAT?!" You flailed your arms crazy-like as your eyes bugged out. Akira laughed out loud. "Sure! Laugh at my panicking reaction! It's not my fault you keep saying those choice words!"

"Well, do you want to get married?"

"Akira!" You slapped his arm.

"Not now! I mean, someday!"

You looked at your feet as you rubbed your arm nervously "Well ... yeah... maybe someday."

You slowly look up to meet Akira's face. His cheeks tinted in pink and his eyes widened a bit in surprise but they melted into warmth "Same."

You smiled in return before you spoke. "Well, maybe I should look into online courses to keep me occupied? Maybe some international programs? May take some time to think it over."

"I think we can wait a little longer."

You cup Akira's cheek as your thumb rubbed gentle circles in it. He held your hand for a moment. His eyes trained on yours, even as he brought your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles. You shyly smiled when he spoke. "In that case ..."

Akira pulled you into his arms and carried you bridal style, making you blush madly red. "Akira!" You wrapped your arms around his neck to keep a firm hold on him. You gasp softly as you were locked in an intense stare with his. He smiled warmly as he spoke "I've been waiting to ask at just the right time. (Y/n) ... will you go out with me?"

The sun blazed bright.

The sky was clear and blue as the sea.

And Akira's hair rustle in the wind; making him look quite stunning. You gave him a dreamy look as you gave him your answer.


Akira's eyes held an enthralling gaze as he smiled big before he leaned down to kiss you softly. You only kissed back for a few seconds before he pulled back and gave you his signature striking smirk. "I love you, (Y/n)."

"I love you too." You pecked each other's lips a few times before he started spinning around in circles with you clinging to him for dear life! "Akira!"

"I have you now, my dear! And I will never let you go!"

"Oh God!" You cried out. But it was then drowned by your laughter as he went from spinning you in his arms to lifting you up in the air and watching in amusement at your beautiful, laughing self. When he stopped moving and just held you, you looked down at him with a joyful smile. He lowered you down to wrap his arms around your waist and kissed you deeply. Your hands curled into his hair as you reciprocated. 


"Hey! Are ya' two lovebirds done yet?!"

"Ryuji! Shut it!"

"Give them time."

"This sketch of them ... it's almost complete. Just a little more ..."

"Fufufu! So photogenic! This has to go in the video! Their future wedding gift from me must be 10/10! "

"I'm captivated. How romantic."

"At least I'm not the one with the motor running this time."

Akira's eyes peaked over to see the van parked far down the road, yet you both heard Ryuji's call out. He chuckled in your locked lips and pulled away, slowly setting you down on your feet.

"Let's get going, love."

You hummed in agreement, feeling warmth as his hand took yours and you both started running down the road. The sun's beams made you both glow as you exchanged lovestruck expressions. You marveled at the sight of Akira smiling and laughing as he looked at you, making you do the same.

"My love."

A/N: So yeah, that was short.

ANYWAY! ANNOUNCEMENT TIME! For those that have read this story to the end, thanks! I will also be announcing this news in my conversations.

So, I do want to continue A Joker's Love. But, I have other Persona story ideas that need to get out of my head. I have 3.

1. Persona 3/4/5 x Reader story. You and the MCs', going down a harem/reverse harem path or something like it. And it will be so. damn. long. Cause a LOT of characters/story plot/and just writing it daily in general. Will be tough.

2. Persona 5 x Reader story. Just you meeting the Phantom Thieves when they get brought to our world and scenarios ensue. Mainly fluffy/cute stuff. And maybe harem/reverse harem again too.

3. Persona 3/4/5 Protagonist shipping. Yep. I too fell into this one. Blame the fanfics! XD

ANYWAY! I might as well do all three since I want to write beyond Yugioh stuff.

AND! I SO want to have over 300 followers on here cause 299 is the most followers I've ever had than on and tumblr. So yeah, I need the love and support! 

Until then, bye guys!

My Love (Akira Kurusu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now