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So this story is gonna be longer. Originally, this chapter was long as HELL so I broke it up into two parts. The next part will be up ASAP!

Until then - enjoy the art up above. I DON'T own it! All credit goes the original artist. Though I wish I owned these guys' hearts! <3

I'm in the Persona mood so I hope you enjoy!

You moaned softly as you felt yourself waking up. Your eyes opened slowly; blinking as your vision began clearing and the first thing you see are the early morning rays poking through the window to paint your bedroom in warm pastel light. You yawned as you tried stretching but you felt arms wrapped around you. You looked up to see a familiar raven haired guy with his face buried in your hair.

You smiled sweetly before you craned your neck to kiss the crook of his neck before biting gently. You heard a low groan as spider-like hands squeezed your sides, making you squeal in giggles trying to pull away but you can't from his firm hold. Hearing a tired but dark laugh, you look up to see his face pull from your head, revealing Akira's sleepy but handsome smirking face.

"Trying to get away? You can't escape me that easily." He taunted you as you tried hiding covering your giggling mouth with your hands. His bare lean chest pressed against you as he cornered you on the bed. Akira's eyes narrowed as a cocky smile spread across his face." Time for your proper punishment!"

You shrieked in laughter as Akira tickled you relentlessly, your legs kicking out as your hands pulled at his hands trying to stop him but being the leader of the Phantom Thieves, Joker is not one to give in so easily. You begged him to stop as you laughed helplessly as his quick fingers scribbled on your sides. Just when you thought you'd break, he stopped and you could finally breathe again. Once you did, you glared daggers at the amused man before slapping him in the chest.

"I hate you."

"No you don't." He sounded so sure.

You pouted. "Why not?"

"Because I'm making you smile as we speak." He teased. You did feel the tips of your lips curl unconsciously but you did your best to keep a firm line. "Ooh, I saw that!"

"No!" You whined.

"I can make you smile."

"No you can't – eek!" You squeaked as Akira started kissing allover your face, making your firm face break out in giggles. "Akira!" You laughed joyfully.

"Yes I can." He drawled out. You turned away from his smug face only to have his lips buzz in your neck, making you laugh out loud.

"Akira, you jerk – hehehehaha!" His lips buzzed harder, making you laugh harder. "You're the worst – hahahahehehe!" Akira laughed in the crook of your neck before buzzing his lips again, enjoying the sound of your beautiful laughter.

Suddenly, a ring tone pierced the air. Akira stopped what he was doing, reached an arm over the bed to his pile of phantom thief clothes on the floor. His hand went through his trench coat until he found his phone. He saw a group text.

Ryuji: Mornin' Leader!

Ann: Rise and shine!

Yusuke: The sunrise looks lovely from this view.

Makoto: We had a feeling you wouldn't stay at the hotel last night. We'll be in the lobby waiting.

Futaba: Don't tell me you leveled up already?!

Makoto: Futaba-chan!

Ryuji: Lol! You're always one step ahead! XD

Ann: Ryuji!

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