Rejoice (Lemon)

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A/N: Hey guys, again! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

So, Persona 5 The Royal is out! Which means months of waiting for the English release. Oh God, the wait! But until then, I'll be busy with stuff like this chapter.

*I changed the pic up above for certain reasons ... all credit for this photo goes to the original artist. 


I really hope you enjoy!

After spending the whole day with your friends, having fun and a ton of laughs, you had to part ways with them as Futaba picked up another distortion spot on the outskirts of town. Akira promised he'd see you when they were done and you watched as they all drove away in their rental; not Morgana who apparently could turn into a bus. Their world is definitely something you would get used to.

It was now around midnight when Akira came as promised, through your window again, in his Phantom outfit. That was when you felt the greatest urge to take him. Right now.

Akira froze when you went right up to kiss him.

In your now hormonal state of mind; your body flushed with heat and longing, you craved Akira Kurusu. The smexy Joker himself.

You sweet firm kiss quickly turned messy but hot as your lips devoured his. He tasted like curry and coffee; spicy but rich and savory. God, you could really get used to it. Your hands cupped his cheeks to pull him closer.

You felt Akira's stiffened form finally loosen up. He kissed you right back; his lips smacking with yours with such vigor. You moaned pleasurably having his arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you flush against his front before he slowly dipped you. You had to break from the lip lock as giggles uncontrollably left your mouth.

"You're so random!" You giggled loudly.

"I'm the wild card. It's a thing." Akira smirked.

Your dazed eyes admired the masked Phantom himself; swooning at the handsome sight. "You are one sexy ass man."

He smirked wider, bright teeth showing through. "You're just feeding my ego, you know."

"You want me to stop?"

"Hell no. Praise me!"

You giggled once more before reaching up to take off his mask, seeing his bare handsome face. "My Joker." Akira smiled lovingly at you. The mask slipped from your fingers as your hands wrapped behind his neck to pull his face down to kiss. He kissed back feverishly as he walked backwards, pulling you with him as his legs hit the bed so he sat there.

As you straddle his hips, you sucked on his lips, nibbling and biting as you craved hearing his deep groans. Your tongue licked his lips, making him open up as you dive in. You explore his mouth and it's just as addicting to savor. His tongue battled with yours and to no surprise, he won and as his hands ran down your sides to your butt and squeeze tightly. You mewled as he press forward, tying knots with your tongues as his eyes opened to see your blushing face. You felt him stare at you so you pulled back, your own eyes gazing into his. Their intensity, clouded with desire and something else ... love was it?

"Take me as I am. As the trickster, the Phantom Thief, the man I'm truly am. I don't deserve your loveliness, your sweetness, your tenderness, your beauty. But I will do anything to make it up to you. I would never forget you nor let you go. Not again."

"Anything?" You leaned down to kiss his neck, slowly up to his ear to nibble it softly before kissing it.

Akira shuddered "Yes."

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