⚜️ The Dance ⚜️

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Elle's POV
Ballroom of the Castle

I followed King David as he lead me to the middle of the ballroom, eyes judged me from every angle. Once we reach the middle of the ballrooms dance floor I could fee the judgement flooding the room.

"I don't think they like me" I leaned into David's ear whispering. My heart was racing as I had only a very small amount of dancing practice and it was usually taught by my mother when we had free time after doing the chores around the castle.

The orchestra got set then started to play the song 'so close' a man with a beautiful voice began to sing the lyrics.

David lead the way and I gracefully followed his steps forgetting about the people around us.

"It's doesn't matter if they like because I love you" King David said

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"It's doesn't matter if they like because I love you" King David said.

My heart stopped mid beat, the King of Isles Worth had just told me he loved me fully knowing he was to be married to the Dutchess of Lorington.

I was silenced by my own mind and by the law, it had been illegal to seduce a person of royalty if they were taken, though King David wasn't officially Taken as he hadn't proposed yet I knew if I told him how I truly felt, I could be executed for just my words alone.

David's spun me around and the floor moved easily underneath our feet, the song slowed to a end and David took a step back and bowed. I curtsied and looked around. They were all whispering to each other.

I looked back at David and began to walk out of the center of the ballroom

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I looked back at David and began to walk out of the center of the ballroom. David walked after me fast and grabbed my hand, he didn't say anything but his expression begged me not to go.

"I'm sorry" I said softly with sympathetic eyes

I pulled my hand gently from his and exited the ballroom. I can't get him in trouble he was just coronated and he wouldn't gain anything by loving me. I don't own land nor a whole kingdom like the Dutchess. I make his food, clean his castle, tend to his needs. I wasn't right for him.

I made my way to the Castles Garden. Tears ran down my cheeks as I thought about what had just happened. I did love him and have since we were young.

"How sweet, I don't think I even saw that coming.. at least until my suspicions were raised during the coronation" a voice behind me spoke.

I turned around and Dutchess Liza stood tall in a dark black dress with her arms crossed across her chest.
"You're very clever, I've seen how you stay close to him, tend to everything he needs but I assure you on the 13th of January King David and I will be married and my first order of business will be the riddance of you" she said turning on her heels walking out of the garden.

Panic engulfed me, I felt heartbroken for letting David down and I felt anger because I knew David deserved someone better than a gold digger

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Panic engulfed me, I felt heartbroken for letting David down and I felt anger because I knew David deserved someone better than a gold digger. He deserved to be loved and I was going to say it him, if I shall be banished then he should know how I feel.

I made my way back inside after the coronation party had settled down and mostly everyone had left. I walked up the stair, the clicking of heels echoing.

I approached David's door seeing his Guards who I knew well. "Is he alone?" I asked, sir Scott and Todd nodded.

I opened the and picked up the dress I was wearing making it easier to walk.

David turned around, he had been looking out his window. He had a confused expression on his face as I approached him.

"El-" he didn't get to finish as I pressed my lips to his, they were soft like I had imagined, my lips tingled from pure shock.

When I pulled away slowly I looked up at him "I love you too" I said soft and reassuringly. David looked relieved at what I said.

A/N: hope y'all like just the little taste of some fluff I gave you here, more spicy stuff coming.

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