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Elle's POV
The Castle

2 months later...

"What should be the color theme be?" David asked, we were both making our wedding plans and sketching out the design of the ball room being that the reception would be held in the Ballroom here in the castle but the actually ceremony would take place in the same cathedral David was coronated in.

"Soft Rose gold and a pearl white would be nice, at least as far as dressing for my brides maids, flower girl, and I" I said

"I can't wait to see you walking down that isle" David said looking at me with a soft loving expression.

I smiled back. I was so happy I was going to spend the rest of my life with the love of my life. "Maybe we should just give the wedding planner some ideas and let her work out the look and design" I suggested

"Garden?" He said throwing a idea out there

"Maybe add some lanterns?" I said shrugging my shoulder

"That sounds perfect" David replies again smiling softly.

King David and I' meeting was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"It's open" David said and the door opened on command. "You have a guest your highness, Dutchess Liza has requested to see you, she said it was "important"" Sir Scott has making quotation marks with his figures indicating that usually when the Dutchess had something important to say it wasn't really all that important.

David looking over at me rolling his eyes not wanting to get up just to deal with her nonsense, but he always feared that one day she might actually bring him important news.

I gave him a reassuring look that he should go and check in what ever it is that she had brought to the castle.

David leaned in placing a kiss on my forehead before walking out and exiting the room.

King David's POV
The Castles dining hall

I was getting tired of the duchesses antics, for about a month and a half she has been constantly trying to convince me of why my marriage to Elle wouldn't be good for the kingdom, or why she should be in Elle's position. It was pathetic really, how self centered and jealous she was of Elle.

I opened the door to the dining hall, Liza standing facing the tall windows that lined the hall. The sounds of my entrance alerting her.

Liza turned around a smile on her face that was about as fake as her families wealth, they were seriously in debt with my kingdom and I knew Liza had tried to marry into my kingdom in order to rid hers of debt.

"King David, how have you be-" Liza said walking over towards me.

"Cut the bullshit, why are you here again. I'm very busy" I said cutting her off, I didn't want this to be a long meeting as I had more important things to do.

"Well if you'd like me to skip all the extra explanation I just thought you should know that, I'm pregnant" she said, my body froze.

"I don't know if your trying to break up my marriage again or if your serious" I said, anger boiled in my blood at the thought of this as another attempt of wasting my time.

"It's yours all mighty king David" she said leaning in saying it slightly quieter.

Liza walked past me exiting the dining hall leaving me in a pit of questions and emotions.

How was I going to tell Elle?

A/N: I'm so sorry this was a short chapter but I wrote it in class and it's more of a filler, stuffs getting intense.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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