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Sunday afternoon

I cried clinging onto my moms' waist. "I'm sorry! It won't happen again!" I sobbed pulling on her dress. "I know baby, but she has to go." My mom said pushing my hair back.

"I didn't mean to!" I yelled standing behind both my parents. "Say, bye sweetie." My grandma said standing beside Blair.

"Why do I have to go? I'm not scared." Blair looked at me then at our parents. "Your sister is sick honey, and we don't want you to get sick." My dad crouched down beside her, and I couldn't help but cry.

"I'm not sick! I'm not sick at all!" I was drowning in my own tears and no one knew what to do. "Your sister has... crazy pants disease and when she gets better you can come home, okay?" My dad smiled standing back up.

"Can I say bye?" Blair asked looking over at me. "Go ahead, sweetheart." My grandma sent her off towards me.

"Bye, I hope you get better." Blair grinned hugging me tightly. "I love you." She said letting me go only to hug me again. "Grandma said I can call you off her phone when we get to her house."

"Okay." I was so sad, that my only sibling was being pulled out of my life. "Bye." Blair waved after hugging our parents' goodbye.

"Richard, is this really a good idea?" My mom asked closing our apartment door. "Yes! She's crazy and we can't afford Blair ending up like that. I need hope in one of my children."

I cried running off, I didn't know what 'hope' was but I knew it something I didn't have. I wanted to be my parents' favorite and it's clear I was everything but that.

"Sweetheart, you know daddy didn't mean what he said." My mom whispered drying off my face. "I love you and that's all that matters, right?"

I smiled nodding my head. "I love you too." I let out before hugging her.

"I love you more."

"I love you more," I mumbled tossing myself in bed. "I love you more ma." I cried allowing my tears to slip through my closed eyes.

"Blythe? Honey, are you okay?" Amora hovered over me shaking me softly. "Huh? Yeah... yeah, I'm fine." I said turning on my back. "Are you sure?"

I sat up wiping my face. "Yep, I'm sure. 100 percent, all good." I grabbed Amora's face holding her close to me. "Um, okay?"

"You're so beautiful," I said kissing her softly. "Thank you, honey." Amora smiled kissing my cheek. "It's almost three, don't you have work?" She asked sliding my hands off her face.

"Yeah, I was trying to kill time so I took a nap." Despite how much I hate my job, it's putting money in my pockets so I can't complain.

"We can do something else to pass the time." Amora bit her lip straddling my waist. "We can do that thing you wanted to do."

I raised an eyebrow looking at her. "Like do it? On camera?" I asked nervously as she nodded her head. "Amora... I- I don't know." I chuckled putting my hands on her waist.

"Mmm, yes you do."

Wow, Amora still wants to fuck me after all that happened between us, what a woman. "Not now, maybe later." I sighed looking up at her. "You're no fun." Amora pouted.

"I have like 20 minutes before I have to go to work, and we both know we can't finish in 20 minutes," I said tapping on her watch, showing her the time.

"I can finish in 20, you can't! You're always like 'are you tired? Let's go again.'" 

It's not my fault I haven't been touched in the last god knows how many years. "Get your fatass up, I have to take a shower." I laughed pushing Amora off me.

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