Who wants that perfect love story anyway, anyway?
Cliché, cliché, cliché, cliché
Who wants that hero love that saves the day, anyway?
____________________________"Update on 3rd Ward Lady Killers. They were recently spotted at another gas station just outside of Oklahoma. They recently pulled out money off their cards, and we believe they're headed north for Canada. We here at H5News were able to get an interview with Beyoncé's younger sister, Solange, and she had this to say.
'My father was a very abusive man, and my sister is not this person the media is portraying. She was probably scared and ran. You have no idea the things we had to put up with, with that man. Bey, if you're listening, please be safe. I love you.'
There you have it. There's always two sides to every story. If you see these four teenagers, we urge you to call the police immediately. Do not approach them. The police have also asked that all the fan pages for these four girls be taken down. Back to you, Jake."Omniscient
"Okay, just get as much food, water allah that, that you can. Imma go get the camping shit. Nicki, Lani stay in here. You two need to be the look out." The girls all nod at Bey before her and Rih run into Walmart.
"Okay sooo?" Lani smiles widely at Nicki who looks back at her with a confused smile.
"So what?"
"What did you and Bey do in the shower?" Lani dances around in her seat in excitement. Nicki giggles and blushes before shaking her head.
"What? Nothing!" Nicki giggles again while shaking her head. Out of the three girls Lani was the only one she'd hung out with before, and they'd gotten pretty close the past few months.
"You guys didn't do anything together? Even after the shower?" Again Nicki shakes her head. "Bey likes you, you like Bey, what's stopping you guys?"
"Um ok, one, Bey does not like me like that. And two, we are on the run, Lani. I'm pretty sure that would stop anyone."
"Bey likes you. I know my best friend, and she likes you." Lani shrugs her shoulders before turning the music up and dancing around in her seat. Nicki's heart beat had quickened at the new revelation, and her mind began racing with thoughts of Beyoncé.
Thirty minutes later the girls were back in the car after getting everything they'd need and getting back on the road. "I think we should find somewhere close to camp. We'll head back out at ten tonight." Bey suggests to everyone. Rih and Lani nod their heads in agreement, but Nicki continues staring ahead at the road. "Nick?" Bey gently touches Nicki's thigh, making Nicki jump.
"Sorry, um what?"
"Camp now and drive at ten?" Nicki just nods her head and looks back at the road, making Bey raise her eyebrow in confusion. She doesn't comment on it, she just shrugs it off and goes to find a wooded area off the highway.
About an hour and a half later, they found a spot not too far off the road but far enough they wouldn't be spotted. Rihanna and Bey set up the tents, with Rihanna and Lani in one and Nicki and Beyoncé in the other. The other two girls blew up the air mattresses and set up the rest of the camp.
"B, you activate the burner yet?" Rihanna asks as she brings some of the bags from the trunk to her tent.
"Burner?" Nicki raises her head to ask and looks at Bey.
"Yeah, its set up." She answers Rihanna first, handing her the new phone before responding to Nicki. "We had to make sure we had a way to contact her cousin, so we got a burner at Walmart." Nicki nods her head before going to grab the blankets Bey had gotten from the store and setting them up on their bed.

The Holy Trinity One Shots
FanfictionThis is a book of one shots with a mixture of these three. Sometimes all together, sometimes with only two of them. Quite a few of my readers asked me to do this, so you're welcome, bitches. ***Mature Content. Please be old enough to understand this...