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"Drew??!" I shouted in surprise, looking at the bruised and dirty face of my much much alive son.

"Oh my god." Justin whispered before pulling drew into his arms. I hugged the two as well as we sobbed together.

"We thought you were dead." I sniffles, as we all pulled away.

Suddenly the door banged.

Shit. It was Selena and Shawn trying to get in.

"No time to explain. Let's go!" Drew shouted and the three of us started to run out of the old warehouse.

We barely passed by the front door when we heard a faint cry for help.

I looked at Justin with wide eyes.

"Sophia." We both whispered to each other.

Then we heard a cry from the other side of the house.

"Luke." I whispered to myself.

"I'll go get Sophia. Go find Luke." Drew spoke and ran off to find his sister. Justin and I ran to other side to find out baby boy.

He was safe, with a couple scratches on his arms, lying in an extremely warm room.

We grabbed him before we heard familiar voices. The fake cops. They were heading our way.

Justin and I found a closet on the side of the rooms and cramped ourselves in there, a now quiet Luke in my hands.

We heard the fake cops breathing, his footsteps started to fade away when Luke let out a small but loud yawn.

The fake cops footsteps returned and my heart started to beat wildly.

Suddenly a loud sound came from the other side of the house distracting the fake cop, and he left.

Justin and I breathed a sigh of relief before getting out of the old closet and running back to the front door, and waited for Sophia and Drew.

A worried drew and crying Sophia showed up, her clothes torn from the front , her jeans torn with blood on them. I handed luke to Justin.

"Soph.. baby, what happened?" I asked Sophia, cradling her face in my hands.

Her tears met my hands and I could hear my heart break for my daughter.

"H-he.. r-raped m-" Sophia cried into my arms as I cried with her. Justin growled in anger.

"Listen dad, we gotta go, now." Drew informed hurriedly. We nodded. I grabbed Sophia and helped her walk to the car we ha parked behind the house.

As we started the car, Selena and Shawn ran behind us, we sped off.


Dang Sophia 😭

Here's the last update for Thsi Friday.

See ya'll with a double update next Friday!


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