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"Kick his ass Gon!" I screamed as Killua yanked me back down for the fourth time. Both of us were in a grumpy mood with the way Gon's match had been going so far. 

This pogo stick was kicking his ass and now Gon was at a standstill. There was no way for him to win with what little training he had. I gripped the seat hard and watched as he probably got another fractured bone or worse, broken.

Gido was at nine points now, one more clean hit and it would be over, I would be less stressed with it over but I wanna kick that sit and spin bastards ass.

Suddenly Gon stood still and I watched as his aura dissapeared "No.." I stood up quickly "Gon-" Killua beat me to the punch "Are you an idiot!" He yelled. "That's so reckless and stupid" I tried to talk some sense into him, but either the crowd was too loud or he wasn't listening. The latter he was gonna get punished for if I could get my hands on him living and breathing after this.

Then his presence dissapeared along with his aura, just like back when we were in the woods hunting for lunch. He began dodging the spin tops and I was at a loss for words. It was almost like he was dancing with the dangerous tops shooting out at him randomly.

All good things come to an end though, and Gon ended up needing medical help seeing as he's broken several things and has fractured multiple places probably.

Sadly I couldn't see him off to his room, lucky for him since I would scold him and make sure he never did anything stupid like that again. Though I let Killua take that job.

"Good luck with your match Y/n, go kick some ass" he gave me a thumbs up and I returned it slightly surprised, but him saying that made me get a warm fuzzy feeling that stuck with me all the way to the arena room as I was raised onto the platform.

The stands were already refilled, some probably still there from last match seeing as our times were close together with about a thirty minutes break.

I was dressed in a breathable tank top that wasn't mine and a black sports bra underneath with grey sweats. The purple tank was slightly tucked in to keep it from flying up seeing as I would be embarrassed to have thousands of people see my upper body bare even with a sports bra. Memories from my one fight with that Ghost guy came back and I sighed.

My feet forced me forward as I was reluctant to since this was the 200th floor, and Nen was technically new to me even though some claim it's not. I felt a pair of eyes intent of staring at me and I turned slightly to see a pair of e/c eyes watching me from under a dark hood.

I brushed it off seeing as everyone in here had their eyes on me or my opponents, who was only now being raising to the platform.

My eyes widened slightly as white hair appeared with a pale face, slitted eyes and a smirk pulling at the edge of his lips. Righty.

I snarled at him as I remembered him spilling my coffee all over my shirt, a shirt Killua let me have. A small fuzzy feeling fluttered in my stomach making my face loosen lightly, but that didn't mean I wasn't upset still. Didn't this guy know better? I basically kicked him across a hall into a wall and left a hole behind him.

'Maybe I knocked the sense out of him?' I thought.

The ref asked if we were ready and we both nodded. As soon as he started the match, cum face used Ten to protect himself, but he wasn't doing much else. I was confused seeing as the toilet scrub fuck had a special ability or some shit, maybe this guy doesn't?

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