Ch. 57: The Sylvains

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(Taehyung's POV)
"Are you really her father?" as I peered into the eyes of a man who looked as young as myself with the same cerulean blue eyes with glasses. I looked at Eira to confirm with her if he was saying the truth and all she did was nod with a small smile. Leo stood behind them stoic but he continued to look agitated based on how his body moved side to side and his pale blue eyes alert.

"It is really hard to believe but it's the truth," as he spoke, the chill in the air continued to drop. "I have been woken up from a deep sleep. I would like to have our discussion inside and not out in the hall. I considered it to be rude."

"My apologies," as I stepped to the side as Eira and her father stepped inside my room. I closed the door behind us as I watched Eira sat on the chair inside but her father stood by the door. It was then I watched his fingertips glow white as he created a magic circle on the door. Once he was finished, the magic circle disappeared and the door glowed for just a moment. He walked towards the windows in my bedroom and reenact the same gestures.

"Father, I don't understand why you would need to seal the room off," as Eira spoke up confused. "There is no one else on the estate but the servants and lycans."

"Oh, my sweet daughter," as he spoke with a smile, sitting next to her once he was finished as I took my seat across from them. "There are always eyes and ears listening in a pureblood home. Enemies and allies alike. You can never be too careful. Besides, I want this conversation to be private between you and the young man over there."

"What type of conversation would illicit you to take so many precautions?" as I asked the question out of curiosity.

"You of all people would know why," as he smirked at me and Eira sat there confused. "My wife is a prominent woman within the vampire community. Mentioning her is taboo because one family deemed it so."

"What could Taehyung know about mother?" as Eira finally spoke garnering the attention between the both of us. I couldn't answer as I diverted my eyes away from her.

"Taehyung, do you know something?" as she asked me the question and I didn't have the heart to answer.

I don't know if I should reveal anything to her because the promise I made. It's not my place to reveal such a secret.

"My, she is a stubborn woman for making you promise something," as her father sighed. Both of us looked at him confused as he took one hand of Eira's in his and placed the other hand on the side of her head.

"Father, what are you doing?" as her white blue eyes watched him with concerned.

"Bringing out your mother so we can properly explain what is going on. Based on his reaction, Taehyung has already met her," as he gave a soft smile while she looked at me with shocked eyes.

The energy in the room shifted as I felt that familiar chill go down my spine as I looked across to see her Father's fingertips glowed white against her head as he recited a familiar poem but additional lines were added.

"She slept with wolves without fear for the wolves knew a lion was among them. A beautiful creature who cannot be confined. Meet me where the end begins, in echoes, where your world is me, and my world is you."

A dense fog entered the room as his hand slowly moves away from Eira's head, a stream of white energy coming from it. He places the energy on the empty seat next to him and the fog completely shrouding it. What seemed like ages, the fog cleared revealing Marcellina perfectly poised on the chair as she opened her icy blue eyes.

"Mother?!" as Eira whispered in shock and I looked over to see she was perfectly, not blacked out as before.

"Eira," as a motherly smile graced Marcellina's features. "It's been awhile. My, you look more radiant as an adult."

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