-𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚢 𝚝𝚠𝚘

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"What do you think you're doing?!"

Jin growls, looking back at Hoseok's father while crouching down to help Hoseok up. Hoseok gently rubs his cheek where his father hit him as he can feel his eyes swelling up.

"Its ok Jin."

Hoseok grabs Jin's biceps to help him get up and gently lifts himself off the ground and up on his feet. Jin could clearly see the tears that were threatening to escape from Hoseok's eyes.

"But Hoseok.."

"It's fine, let's leave."

Hoseok, still holding onto Jins biceps, pulls him towards the exit and softly apologizes to his father.

"Hoseok let go of me your father shouldn't treat you like this!"

Jin pulls his arm away from Hoseok's grasp and holds onto his shoulders. He stares deep into Hoseok's eyes.

"Stop it I'm fine."

Hoseok looks down at his feet, his words trembling. Jin sighs and steps closer to the small boy's body. He softly touches Hoseok's hair and smiles.

Hoseok could feel his cheeks burn up as Jin's hot breath tingles his bare neck. The big strong hands running through his smooth hair. Jin touches Hoseok's red cheek and closes his eyes. The small pants coming from Hoseok's mouth and the quick breaths from Jin slowly come together. Their lips were only a few millimeters apart. Their heads slowly close in and


Hoseok quickly opens his eyes and stares at his mother behind Jin. He throws Jin off him and looks at his mothers betrayed expression.

"You.. what were you doing.."

Jin pounces on his feet and was about to open his mouth to explain when Hoseok's mother throws her hand on the prince's cheek.


The loud smack sound echoed through the windy night. Hoseok stood there, his neck snapped to one side because of the sudden pain.



Tears start flowing out of Hoseok's eyes due to the impact of being hit twice on the same cheek. He starts trembling, with his head hung down low, because of his mothers tone of voice.

Hoseok's mother, now fuming, grabs Hoseok by the hair and makes her way back into the castle, leaving a frozen Seokjin behind.


Hoseok now bawling his eyes out is suddenly slammed onto the ground by his mother. He looks around the scary room, the unfamiliar environment makes him uneasy.

"Mother what is this?.."

"Your cage."

Hoseok stares at his mother with pleading eyes, however he quickly snaps his neck towards the ground after looking at the expression his mother was bearing. Hoseok's mother then calls forth a guard to chain Hoseok up.

"You'll stay here the rest of your life"

"But mother.. I'm your son!"

"I'd rather have no son than you."


Hoseok's mother's expression was now turning into the worst kind of disgust as she flicks her head towards the guard, staring at him intently. Understanding the message, the guard takes out a long piece of thick material out of his armour and slashes the side of Hoseok's leg with it.

a whip.

The guard turned his head away after the impact,trying not to see the blood spewing out of Hoseok's leg. The only sounds echoing through the room were the endless sobs and whimpers coming from the poor prince.

The mother advances towards the guard as she is about to leave the room and smiles at him. She slowly takes off his helmet to reveal his facial expression.

"Tame him, Yoongi."

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ᴄᴀɢᴇᴅ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ [𝚑𝚘𝚋𝚒 𝚡 𝚘𝚝𝟼] DROPPEDWhere stories live. Discover now