-𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎

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Get ready for school my little angel~

The smell of marmalade and perfume filled the palaces kitchen as a jazzy tune was echoing through the narrow halls. A woman, making an omelet, was softly swaying her hips to the tune. A small hand grabs her apron and she suddenly turns around, unleashing the brightest smile known to mankind.

Breakfast is ready~


Hoseok gently opens his eyes after getting his body off of the dirty floor.

"Fuck. A dream."

Hoseok rubs his eyes and winces when he dusts his legs as he brushed over the deep cut from the whip. He looks up at the soft voice who called him. It was the guard.

"Are you okay?.."

Hoseok stared at the guard who sounded quite innocent despite his actions. His nose scrunched up and showed a death glare to the guard who was still wearing his helmet.

"Fuck off you piece of shit."

The guard sighed loudly and reached towards his head to take his helmet off. A sound of relief overcame his posture as he ruffled his hair in front of the prince. Drops of sweat were pouring down his hair and travelled their way to his neck. Hoseok couldn't help but stare at the guard.

"My name's Yoongi."

"Shut the hell up."

"Ugh I'm not here to argue prince. I've been instructed to take care of your leg."

Hoseok carefully inspected the guard, his eyes were filled with worry and he was already carrying a first aid kit. Hoseok reluctantly agreed as the pain was getting worse.


Hoseok softly nodded his head at Yoongi and the guard opened the cage door with a key. Hoseok sat down on the dirty floor and Yoongi kneeled down, opening the first aid kit. He cautiously opened a bottle of disinfectant and grabbed some gauze to stop the bleeding.

"about the cut.. I'm sorry.."

Hoseok ignored the guards apology and was completely focused on his cut. As soon as Yoongi touched the wound with the disinfectant Hoseok winced in pain. He squeezed Yoongi's shoulders as he was trembling in pain.

"It won't take long relax for a bit."

After Yoongi was done disinfecting the wound, he wrapped the cut with bandages. Hoseok was now out of breath because of the pain he endured. Yoongi chuckled for a bit and cut the remaining bandages off. He then rolled Hoseok's pants down to cover the bandages.

"Be honest you weren't instructed to heal my wound were you?"

Yoongi flinched and smiled awkwardly.

"You caught me"

Yoongi quickly closed his first aid kit and opened the cage door to leave when Hoseok grabbed his arm gently.


"Even though you were the one who whipped me.."

Yoongi bent down and whispered something in Hoseok's ear.

"I'll get you out my prince."

Hoseok's face suddenly flushed bright red and he covered his ear, clearly embarrassed. Yoongi closed the cage door and locked it back up with a cute wink.

While they were in their own little fantasy, they were too caught up to see another guard was watching them through the door..

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ᴄᴀɢᴇᴅ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ [𝚑𝚘𝚋𝚒 𝚡 𝚘𝚝𝟼] DROPPEDWhere stories live. Discover now