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Quick warning: alcohol mention(and the F-word, but it's censored with *)

Roman, Logan, and Patton, had been sitting in the waiting room for what felt like days(but was really only three hours). Ro had just finished informing his parents about where they were when Virgil finally emerged, left arm in a cast. All three sprang up and ran over to the younger boy. Lo and Pat were asking questions about why that other guy, Declan, had done that, what they were arguing about, why Virgil meant when he said he was done. Roman was impatiently waiting to ask his more personal questions.

"Can you guys slow down? Geez, I need to sit down." Virgil said, pushing past all three and plopping himself in a chair. "Okay, to answer your questions, Declan is my brother. He and his other friend enjoy bullying people. I usually tagged along to make sure nobody got too hurt, but today Dee was really angry and I knew he would go to far. He started, already hitting harder than normal, so I tried to stop him, and we got into an argument."

"Okay, but why was your other friend not present?" Logan asked, speaking before Roman could.

"Something about his parents not letting him leave the house. I don't know, he isn't one to listen to them, so it was probably something else." Virgil shrugged, clearly uncomfortable about something. Logan and Patton pressed further, trying to figure out why the two enjoyed bullying, but Virgil wouldn't say more.

"The other friend's name is Remus, right?" Roman's patience had snapped he was almost yelling the question. Logan and Patton turned to look at their friend, confused at the outburst.

"How did you know-"

"I heard you say his name when you were talking to your brother," Roman interrupted, "is.. is Remus' last name Duke?"

"Yes? Why does that mat-"

"He was adopted too?!" Roman said, interrupting Virgil again, his words slurring together as his speech sped up. Is it really him? Lo and Pat exchanged a look, realization dawning on them.

"Um yeah... how do you know all this?" Virgil asked, confused as to how this highschooler knew Remus.

"Oh my god... it's really... has he ever mentioned having an older brother?"

"Not to my knowledge? He doesn't really talk about anything that happened before being adopted. Least, not to me." Virgil said, still unsure of where this conversation was going.

"I-I can't believe this. After over two years... my little brother. He's been here all along." His eyes started to fill with tears, but he didn't care. This boy knew his brother. His little brother was still in this town.

"Your little- your little brother? Remus? What? Look, I don't want to get your hopes up buddy, but even if he is your brother, he's changed." Virgil said, realizing that he still didn't know all of their names.

"I don't care!" Roman exclaimed, his smile as wide as it could possibly be.

"Roman, please calm down. Although it appears that this Remus is very like your brother, I wouldn't get your hopes too high up." Logan said, resting a tentative hand on Roman's shoulder, but he wasn't listening. So Roman's his name, Virgil thought, how fitting. I've only known him for like, three hours, but I hope he is Remus' brother. Maybe he can help Remus go back to the way he was before Dee started hanging out with him more. Plus, his smile is cute and I don't want it to go away. Wait what?

"Logan, this is the best lead Roman's gotten, let's just be happy for him." Patton said, his voice taking on a softer tone than was normal for him. Logan looked at him, sighed, and then nodded, removing his hand and going to fetch his mother, who was talking with the receptionist.

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