Chapter 15

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Sex is like cooking , everybody can do it but only some can make it delicious .


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Author's POV

Jin was busy with the research when his phone rang , he smiled when sas id of the caller .

"I am missing you" said the person on the other side of the phone .

"You saw me in the morning at school Ken ." Jin said as he laughed at how childish Ken sounded . He could feel Ken's pout on the other side of phone .

Ken and jin started to talk about random things when mark came drinks and snacks for them . Mark held the soft drink dor jin and jin accepted it thankfully.  He drank it in because he was feeling really thirsty . He felt a burning sensation in is throat as he felt his body started to get hot and bothered.  He was hit with sudden wave of dizziness. 

He could hear Ken asking him if he was okay but jin couldnt answer a word as if something was stopping him from speaking . The phone from his hand dropped on the floor as he looked at mark and jackson for help .

He could see the worried expression written on their faces as the they came rushing for him asking if he was okay but before he could figure anything out he fainted .

"Now he is ours isn't he baby ." Of course it wasn't a question it was rather a statement and the couple smirked at the fainted form of the beauty before picking him up and taking him to their room totally forgetting jin's phone which was still connected and Ken could hear everything .


Ken who was still on phone heard everything . He felt his heart beating loudly . He couldn't believe what was happening . His friend jin was in danger and the danger it self was his other friends .

He couldn't think properly and the only thing came to his mind was taehyung and jungkook . He rushed out of this house not forgetting to take his phone and making sure it wasn't disconnected. 

He sat in his car and made his way towards jin house . He almost broke the speed limit . He reached jin's house before rushing in and ringing the door bell like a madman . The door was opened by a piss looking jungkook because his nap had been disturbed .

Jungkook was about to punch him in his but stopped when he heard what Ken said . His face looked like he could kill anyone . How dare them he thought .

Taehyung appeared behind jungkook and when he was jungkook pissed expression he knew something was up .


Jin woke up feeling as if he was being cooked alive . He was feeling really hot . His hands and feet tied up . He was sitting on an unfamiliar bed . He knew he should have told about the weird messages he got . Not jungkook and taehyung but atleast Jisoo or his parents who aren't home at this moment .

He had this urge to be touched or touch himself . His dick was hard in his pants and he really needed some sort of friction . He tired to move but no avail . He couldn't move at all .

"Looks like our baby woke up " He heard a really familiar voice.  He didn't wanted to think it was him . The person he trusted the most . He closed his eyes not wanted to see him .

"Yea he is ." Jin opened his eyes to see mark and Jackson looking at him . At this moment he knew something was not right . He wanted to cry so bad , wanted to scream but he couldn't. 

"Why?" Was all he said . The couple smirked taking jin's form . He looked so hot and fuckable right now that it them them everything not to jump and fuck him right there .

"You know jin the day we saw you first you already belonged to us.  We thought we would make you ours,  we would cherish you , protect you , love you but you were already inlove with those two . Your so called step brothers.  If they can have you why can't we . If they can fuck you why can't we ." Jackson said .

"And now you will beg bed us to fuck you . The drugs effect has started to show . You won't be able to control yourself. " mark completed as the couple made their way towards the bed where jin laid all tied up and ready for them. 

They were still in their apartment it's just jin never saw this room . Mark took off his and Jackson's shirt and then started to take jin's shirt . His lips traced jin's broad milky chest as jin tried to move away .

As much as jin needed someone to touch him to pleasure him he didn't want them to touch him.  Jin didn't knew he was crying until he felt a tear drop on his palm.  Did they really did that? He though they were his friends. He couldn't stop jacksons hands that started to take off his pants .

Before he could do that both mark and jackson where on the floor as they were greeted by punch on their faces.  Jisoo stood their looking at them in anger . Jin's mom , Jisoo,  Mr Xavier,  jungkook, taehyung and Ken were standing there .

When did they came ? Jisoo , mom and Mr Xavier where not even in the house . Jin didn't knew how they came but all he knew was he was relieved that he was safe and secure .

He saw that Jisoo was pulled back and now the twins were beating the shit out of the markson couple.  Before they could kill them Mr Xavier stopped them sayings it's best if the police handles this case because he couldn't let the sons killing someone even if they were criminal

A wave of heat hit jin seeing how hot the twins looked he couldn't stop his cries because he was fucking horny at a moment like this . Jin whipped his tears as he looked at his mom who was now hugging him .

"Mommy. " Jin whimpered and hugged his mom back . "They added something in my drink . I .." He didn't need to continue because his mom already understood . Jin's mom looked at Mr Xavier before nodding as all of them starting leaving the room except the twins but before leaving

"Jungkook and taehyung please take care of jin." She smirked as she left .


Hiiii guys.

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This might be the second last chapter and the last chapter is one his way . I promise it will be updated tomorrow cause this book is about to be completed and I don't want to leave you guts waiting

Words 1186

Stay tuned for the next chapter

Till than



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