Chapter 16

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It's not the end but a start to a new story

It's not the end but a start to a new story

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Author's POV

Right now jin was being fucked raw by his step brothers . Ofcourse they wanted to be gentle with their kitten but when their kitten was being slut asking to be fucked raw so who could deny it .

Ofcourse they came to knew that their family knew about them but how ? They never told them and even the whole time they never were home . Where they so oblivious ?

Well if they were allowed by jin's mom to 'take care' of jin so that means she got no problem in them being inlove with each other .
Well now they could only focus on the pleasure they were getting .

Jin moaned when jungkook hit his prostate again and again as he rode him . He saw taehyung stroking himself and he didn't knew but jungkook was not making him feel full he needed taehyung too . Jin took taehyung's dick and aligned it with jungkook dick in his hole .

Jungkook laying down taehyung on the top while jin in between them . Taehyung was reluctant but when he was of desperate his kitten was he gave in and entered him . Jin moaned as taehyung entered him till he was fully inside jin .

" fu..ll ." Jin moaned at the feeling.

"Shit such a slut taking two dicks inside . Fuck you are so hot ." Taehyung groaned as moved back and forth . Jungkook growled when he felt taehyung dick rubbing against his dick .

Jin's prostate was being abused again and again as he came without being touched .

"Shit you came without being touched ." Jungkook groaned as he and taehyung came right after jin . But jin was still not satisfied as he move his butt signalling them to fuck him again .

"Well then ." Jungkook and taehyung said as the started fucking jin in an other position .


After a few hours of the steamy session Jin was now peacefully sleeping in between taehyung and jungkook . A knock was heard and jungkook stood up , opened the door and saw Ken standing there .

Ken motioned them to come outside and follow him . Both taehyung and jungkook noticed that and slowly made their way , closing the door behind them .

They made their way downstairs where their dad , seokjin's mom and Jisoo were sitting on the sofas . Before they could say anything

"I know you might be thinking how ge know about you guys well than thanks to Ken whose father works for us . He told us about you guys . At first we were furious but Ken told us you guys love jin and we should be calm first than take an action . So we stayed quiet and absorbed you guys through Ken and at the end he came to this conclusion that love is love and you guys love jin from the bottom of your heart ." Mr Xavier finished.

Both jungkook and taehyung had their mouth hanged open . Actually that was the first time someone made them astonished like that . But what can we say Mr Xavier is their father and if it wasn't him these devils won't be born .

"Sooo..." Taehyung tried to say but

"Yaya we accept you and all that , but when are we going to start shopping for the wedding ." Jin's mom said and Jisoo nodded teasing the boys .

"Whose marriage ." And sleepy jin came down the stairs or more like limped down the stairs and both taekook took him in arms .

"Your marriage . My baby I love you for who you are not for who you love . I will love you no matter what. Always remember that ." Jin's mom said

Jin blushed and that moment he knew he was the luckiest guys ever . Taekook hugged jin from each side . Jin smiled securing the moment in this heart .

"I love you guys ." Jin said

What can I say people might not have happy endings always but jin knew his life is going to be really great . He might not be always happy but having jungkook and taehyung and his all family by his side , he know they will always be right beside him


Hiiii guys.

How are you all?

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I know the smut sucks but I had to write this chapter again and again because wattpad kept deleting it .

I am writing a new book about taejin . It's a plot that came on my mind when I was trying to do biology assignment. Yeah so I am going update after I wrote half of the book .

Words 803

Stay tuned for the new book

Till than



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