Chapter 12 | Hopeless Love

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| Keep your head up and your hopes higher |

"Does anyone know Chara's routine?" Ink asks everyone with some hope in his eyes, hoping that at least someone knows. Fresh shakes his head side to side with a sigh as Blueberry sits on the ground with disappointment, wishing that he knew at least something. Ink's expression falters at seeing them and feels his heart drop.
"What should we even do man? We don't even know if Chara has some unradical alliance with someone that we don't even know?" Fresh speaks up with both of his eyes lighting up behind his broken sunglasses with one lens out showing his vibrant purple upside-down heart. The love for (Y/n) makes a mix of burning hatred of knowing that she's being held captive by Chara and passion feeling all of these mixed emotions flowing within him just for her.
In the midst of the deep forest where the trio stays, in the universe of UnderSwap so Chara won't detect them and know what their plans are to destroy them no matter what. Tears form in Ink's eye sockets, coming to a loss of words and actions. Everything disappearing from his grasp in an instant. Blueberry becomes sad seeing that his friends are at a loss along with everything they had.
A once happy time in a house with Ink bringing back (Y/n). Someone knew to their family that everyone didn't know. A new face in their life that they can talk to and have fun with before it was her time to go. Ink didn't want someone so important to him, that he holds close to his heart to be ripped out of his grasp. The one that gave him light and know that everything will be okay, someone that would always be by their side.
"Can we not cry? You're gonna make me cry..." Blueberry mutters out to them with tears forming and threatening to spill. Ink looks up from the ground and switches his gaze over towards Blueberry seeing how heartbroken he is at just the thought of missing (Y/n). Tearing his eyes away from Blueberry he focuses on Fresh, seeing how outrageous he is with what's happening. His heart and eyes burst with flames dancing around him and wants to confront Chara head on and tear him to shreds.
Ink turns his head towards the noise, scanning his surroundings to find the source of who called him. He instantly ruled out Chara because he doesn't have a peppy voice, he recognizes the voice and his eyes return with hope.
"Dream!" Ink shouts with happiness flooding within him and feels his hope shoot up. Dream emerges from the forest into the trio's small clearing.
"What happened here?! Why are all of you sad?!" Dream asks frantically not being good with all the negative emotions in the area around him. Dream's star eyes observes the situation, hoping to quickly catch on what happened without him for a few months, due to watching over Nightmare to make sure he's behaving. He knew that if he stays outside of his universe for more than two hours then Nightmare would find a way to break out of the universe and create his own havoc.
"We lost someone important to us. Who is also Ink's girlfriend," Blueberry informs with a sad expression. Fresh doesn't acknowledge Dream as he's blinded by rage wanting to destroy Chara once and for all so he wouldn't come back, yet he knew that wouldn't happen.
Dream's eyes light up at hearing that Ink has a girlfriend now, yet falters realizing that Ink has lost someone. Without any hesitation, Dream embraces Ink in a heartwarming hug, holding him tightly, trying to reassure him that all of them will help get her back.
"I'm sorry, I should've been there with all of you to help. Nightmare has been making me keep an eye on him since he's becoming more active for the past few months." Dream tells everyone, pulling away from the hug with a worried expression. Hearing that someone important to Ink has been ripped away and with Nightmare becoming more active he could only put the pieces together.
"That must mean Chara and Nightmare have Ink's girlfriend," Dream says aloud catching everyone's attention, especially Fresh's. The dark shadow over his eye sockets along with a somewhat insane smile, and the purple flame dancing furiously around his figure. Fresh could only chuckle slightly and lift his head up making the shadow over his eye sockets disappear, making him look less threatening. He has a glint of rage showing in his eyes, making Blueberry backup in fear.
"Why can't we take them out? Isn't better to do it now before they get even stronger and know about us?" Fresh says darkly, ready to tear Chara and Nightmare into shreds before they do anything. Dream sighs seeing the state that Fresh is in, something that he never liked to see.
"Fresh, you know that we can't do that. And who knows, (Y/n) can fight against us and I don't want to hurt her. We have to get Red, Geno, Echo (Gaster!Sans), Sky (Birdtale!Sans), and TwinkleToes. And then come up with a plan to make sure that we can overpower them." Ink addresses to all of them with sympathy and content wanting to get all of this over with, so he can be with her again.
Dream gazes at Ink with a sorrowful look in his eyes, wanting to help in any way he can, just to see him happy like he was before everything happened. Fresh sighs and goes back to normal knowing he can't snap like that to anyone or else it'll scare everyone away from him. Fresh, Dream, and Blueberry embraces Ink in a warm and loving hug, telling him that they will stay by his side until they get (Y/n) back from Chara's grasp.

| Remember to keep moving forward and achieve your dreams rather than giving up on them |

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