Chapter 7 | Driven To Suicide

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   | Have I told you, that you make my life complete |

   "So... what happened to Fresh when I left?" (Y/n) asks Ink as Blue is being carried by her on the back, fast asleep. The couple walks in the universe that holds Fresh, but couldn't find him. Ink knew how depressed he was, not doing anything, and just wanted to see her again. Everything in his colorful life is now dull and blank. He didn't even wear the colorful clothes he always wore, he now wears a dull blue. His glasses would change every time to a negative word when something's on his mind such as, depressed, anxiety, suicidal, worthless, and a lot of others. He didn't want anyone to see how miserable he has become and took his glasses off, grabbing a black cloth and tying it around his head not letting anyone see his eyes. He then disappeared without a trace.

   "He... became depressed more than ever..." Ink answers, unsure what to do at the moment. As they both continue to walk onward, the teenager sees a trace of red, black, and blue colors on the clear white ground. She knew something is wrong, and her eyes glow a faint (e/c) making the same color aura around Blue, lifting him up from her back and giving him the skeleton. In a blink, she disappears only leaving a trail of smoke behind.

   As she runs with speed in every step, the colors become darker and soon has writings on the floor, making tears form in the corner of her eyes. She treats Fresh like the big brother she never had, and would do anything to make him happy once again. Her (h/c) hair dances behind her as she picks up the pace, seeing the negative words get darker and darker with every step. She doesn't want him to end up like her. Because if he does, there would be no way of stopping him, unless she's there to prevent him dying. Just thinking about him dying, made the tears race down her cheeks. "Fresh... Please... Don't die..." She whispers to herself, seeing a quote that made her heart break.

   'It's clear to see. My heart has already been broken. By someone I just met, and now the person I love so dearly, is a sibling I never had. Why did I get attached to someone I just met? I don't know and the depression haunts me wherever I go. It never stops... Would dying make it go away? I can be numb and don't have to worry about anything. I'm sorry, but I love you. Please forget about me.'

   Her eyes widen in shock and could see him up ahead, but what he is about to do is not a good sight to see. Him standing with his purple soul out in front of his chest, a knife in his hand gripped tightly and raised. His glasses broken into pieces a few feet away from him along with his coat and shirt off. The purple soul emits sparks of violet just over his rib cage. Scratches and wounds decorate his ribs, having some broken down. All she could do is stare in shock, trying to find her voice to call out to him. To stop him. Right before he stabs his soul, she finds her voice and screams out to him.

   "Fresh! Don't!" Her voice full of despair hoping that he'll see find himself. He still holds the knife, but lets his skeletal arm fall back to his side. In one swift motion, he turns around to face her only to be shocked that she's there. Just moments before he died, and she stops him. The shock vanishes and his eyes are full of despair, no light or happiness is visible. "You're not (Y/n)..." He says to her, his voice dripping with venom.

   "Fresh!" She says, trudging towards him only to have him raise the knife and step back. She didn't care if she gets hurt, she wants the Fresh that she knows. She reaches out to hold his hand, but he retracts it and his eyes flare up with anger. Sensing him in there somewhere, deep down locked up. 

   "Fresh, please listen to me! I know you're in there! Please remember what we used to do!" She shouts to him, hoping to get something out of him. His expression falters a bit but keeps his guard up, and a smile forms on his skull.

   "If you're really (Y/n)... what would you do if I did this!" 

   And in one swift motion, the look in his eyes become insanity and the knife in his hand, is at his soul stabbing himself in the middle. He could only smile, as he drops to his knees and she holds him in her arms. Tears falling from her cheeks, onto his rib cage, she knew that she has to save him. Placing both of her hands above his soul and rib cage, a green glow wraps around him engulfing him as she watches his eyes become duller and he's hanging onto life just by a thread. He knew now, that he shouldn't have done that, it's actually her and now he gave his life away.

   "Fresh... You're an idiot... Please don't leave me..." She says to him as the green glow regenerates his soul and ribs. Light starts to come back to his eyes, and he smiles softly, lifting his hand to her cheek. "(Y/n)... I'm so fucking sorry, I'm an idiot for doing something stupid like that. I'm not going to do die, I'll stay alive for you. Don't cry."

| I love you for who you are |

A/n: Yay... I'm going to be hit by a hurricane on tuesday... Pray for me...



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