Chapter Eight

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Error nervously looked around Ink's room, noting how messy the room was. The darker skeleton looked back over to Ink, keeping his distance from the smaller skeleton, "Is anyone going to hear us?" Error asked, glancing over to the door. Ink shook his head awkwardly, "Dream and Blue never come near my room, well, unless I haven't left it for more than four days" Ink replied, "So we should be fine" he added. Error muttered something, before speaking again, "what about her" Error vaguely spoke. Ink seemed to get the message, and smiled, "oh, I think she's a bit busy at the moment" Ink replied, snickering.

The destroyer's frown seemed to falter, but it quickly returned, along with his weariness, but he said nothing. Ink sighed, "So, about Fate" Ink started, catching Error's interest. "...Wait" Ink paused, before continuing, "I think I need to explain myself first, don't I?" Ink muttered, making Error nod. The child frowned,  "Well, where do I even begin?" Ink sighed, sitting down.

A child, no older than four, looked around emotionlessly at the vast empty space. Not knowing anything else, the child had always thought of it home, though, it wasn't very welcoming.

The child sat on the ground, his legs in a 'w' position, and his small hands dangling to the ground, staying limp. The scene would of been cute, but the fact that the small skeleton was wearing nothing (his black, somewhat glitching, swirls all over his body) and the blank, somewhat sombre expression on his face made the scene very less so.

The child stayed still, somewhat from the fact that he couldn't walk, but mostly because he somehow subconsciously knew there was nothing to find, no where to go. The child every so often moved his position, changing from laying on his back to on his stomach, but never on his feet, since he didn't know how. 

There was never any sound (the child had probably never heard sound in his life time, come to think of it), The child couldn't speak, he didn't know he could, and nothing else lived in this anti-void doppelgänger. Until suddenly, there was.

It was soft, it couldn't of been more than a whisper. If it was a living being, or just something else was a mystery. The child, with some new found determination, finally moved. 

It was hard, very hard in fact. His legs had never been used in his life time. It hurt to move them, and was impossible to stand on, so he settled for crawling instead, but even that, was a challenge. And so, he started to crawl.

 The sound was still there, still a whisper, But to the child, it sounded like mountains falling. With determination, the child continued to crawl towards the sound, curiosity over powering the sudden feeling of dread. The skeleton continued his journey, his blank white eyes looking in every direction to find the source of the sound.

The child stopped in front of a glowing white figure, humming a tune while walking through the endless white. She was barely visible to him, the only reason he could see her was because of the soft blue glow coming off her, and of course the now loud humming of a eerily familiar tune. She continued to hum the soft melody, never getting louder, never getting quieter. The figure seemed to not realize that he was there, as she continued to childishly dance around while humming the same tune, over and over.

The skeleton stared at her for quite awhile, somewhat afraid of this knew being. The child, although afraid, tried to make the same sound as her, seeing if he could do it. 

A small gurgle came out of the child (It didn't sound anything like the tune, much to his disappointment) the sound made the being turn around to him, her non-existing facial features somehow showing shock. She looked down at the child, hesitant on what to do. After the shock disappeared, the female bent over to the child, picking him up with her freakishly lanky, but somehow comforting arms, "Who are you?" She questioned, Her voice was cold, but had a childish nature to it, like a innocent child. The child took the new information that he could make sound to full use, gurgling out gibberish. This made the female giggle, "I'm Fated! but you!" She dramatically paused, "Can call me Fate!" Fate exclaimed, The child seemed to decide to trust the female, pushing himself closer to her.

Fate dropped down onto the floor, making the child reply with a sound that resembled a squeal, making Fate giggle. Fate lifted the child up, taking in his small appearance. She frowned, "you need some clothes, don't you little one!" She spoke childishly, squeezing him into her a little to tight. The small skeleton didn't seem to mind, smiling up at Fate. Fate suddenly frowned, looking into the eyes of the small skeleton, before smiling brightly, "ah! I know!" She exclaimed,

"your name is Ink!"

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