Chapter Fifteen

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(Slight change. Don't need to reread of you've already read this)

The child, Or newly dubbed Ink, was now eight years old. He had never left the cold, unforgiving copy of the anti-void, but his mother's presence made everything seem kinder, and, while he wished he could see the world outside, he knew of his mother's concerns of him leaving; the main one that his body just might not be able to stay stable anywhere else but in the anti-void.

So he stayed. Of course, that wasn't much of a problem. His mother always brought something knew along with her to amuse Ink, whether that be a colouring book or just some dolls. He learned that he much preferred colouring over dolls, but he wasn't going to tell his mother that, as she seemed to gain much amusement from playing doll house with him.

Sadly, It seemed that items didn't last long in this anti-void (That's what his mother told him when his doll disappeared, she said something about that it didn't have enough magic and the difference of time or something) Of course, It took awhile for the items to disappear, so he still managed to use them for quiet awhile.

Knowing this, His mother came regularly, so he never had nothing to not do. Sadly, she couldn't stay all the time, as she said something about taking care of her younger sister, or, as she said, his aunt.

Apparently she had two siblings, and she was the middle child. The oldest, Destiny if he could remember, was away all the time, doing business-y stuff. The youngest, who's name he was never told, was apparently someone who got in trouble a lot, so his mother always had to check up on them.

She did say something about her older brother coming back last time she left, and that she might be a little longer than usual. So, while he hadn't seen his mother in twice the amount of time he usually did, he understood, or as much as he could, never having a sibling.

(In the back of his head, he was concerned. But he didn't know why)

He hummed a tune, laying on his back. he looked up at the whiteness void, that seemed to never end. It was his favourite part of the place, as it always seemed to puzzle him. how can there be no end to something?

The sound of a portal was heard, and Ink's head shot up in excitement. 

(dread filled his stomach, something wasn't right)

He looked around and saw his mother. As usual, she had something with her, but this time, the item was a... large paintbrush?

"Mother?" Ink called out, looking at her. She turned around and smiled at Ink, "Ink" She replied.

(Somethings wrong, that's not her smile)

She walked up to him, and sat down next to him. She smiled again, and gave the paintbrush to the eight year-old. "Ink, I have something you need to do" She told him, looking down at him. Ink blinked, "what?" he asked, looking over to the strange brush.

"You see that Paintbrush, it can make AU's, Ink" Fate told him. "Well, It will help you make them" Fate said. Ink frowned, he knew what AU's were, "But, I'd have to.." Ink trailed of, "yes Ink, you'd have to leave" she said patiently.

Ink looked up to her, somewhat scared. "but- but what if something happens?" He asked. Fate frowned angrily, looking at Ink's scared, white eyes. "You'll be fine" She insisted. Ink had to go.

Ink backed up, looking at Fate wearily. "You don't know that" He whispered, "I know you don't" He said. Fate stood up, "Ink sans, are you telling me no?" She asked. The eight year old nodded, "y-yeah" He muttered.

He'd never seen his mother like this, and it scared him. "Well, i didn't want to do this" She said darkly, "But you've given me no choice" she fumed. 

Everything after that was a blur, and he couldn't really make sense of it. All he knew, was that he was outside, and fate had done something irreversible.

(She had took his SOUL, and he wouldn't ever get it back)

Ink felt someone shaking him. "Hello?" He heard, "Are you okay?" The voice said. Ink looked up, and was shocked by just how much colour he saw. "Oh! you're awake!" The voice said. He looked over to the voice, and saw a skeleton, dressed in black. "hey, are you okay?" He asked in concern.

Ink frowned, he felt empty. "Uh, yeah" He muttered. The skeleton seemed much older than him, probably around twice his age. "What's your name?" He asked. ".. Ink. I'm Ink" Ink told the skeleton. 

"oh! that's a lovely name!" The skeleton exclaimed. "I'm Daybreaker, or just breaker, I don't really mind" Daybreaker greeted. "you're not from here are you?" He asked suddenly. When Ink shook his head, Breaker grinned, "Great! My brother's gonna love you!" Daybreaker exclaimed.

Picking Ink up, much to his displeasure, Daybreaker set of into a sprint. They reached a strange, glowing blossom tree, where a second skeleton in white clothing sat, playing the flute. Daybreaker sat down, putting Ink in his lap. "Daybringer! Brrriiiinnnggggeeerrrrr!" Daybreaker whined, poking at Daybringer. "What?" Daybringer snapped, looking at his brother.

"look! isn't he cute!" Daybreaker squealed, lifting him up for Daybringer to see. "He's a.." Daybringer muttered, and Daybreaker nodded enthusiastically, "I know! he's a skeleton! Like us!" Breaker grinned.

Daybringer put the flute down, and looked at Ink. "what's his name?" Daybringer asked, looking at Daybreaker. "Ink! Isn't that adorable!" Daybreaker cooed, Daybringer rolled his eyes, "you think everything's cute" He stated.

Daybreaker didn't deny it, so Daybringer looked down at Ink. "Where are you from?" He asked. Ink shrugged, "Mother called it the anti-void" Ink stated, "I don't really know where that is though" Ink added.

Daybreaker then made a 'oh!' sound. "I forgot! Ink, this is Daybringer; my brother" Daybreaker stated. "He's the guardian of positivity, I know, He doesn't act like it" Daybreaker muttered in amusement, not caring when Daybringer hit him. "That Idiot's the guardian of negativity, I know, He doesn't act like it" Daybringer mocked playfully.

"Bringer, can we keep him?" Daybreaker suddenly asked. Daybringer looked down to Ink, who shrugged, "He's not a dog, Breaker" Daybringer said. Daybreaker pouted, but said nothing. He then looked at Ink, "where's this mother of yours?" Daybringer asked Ink. Ink shrugged again, "Last thing I remember is her throwing me out, so i don't really know" Ink replied truthfully.

Both Daybreaker and Daybringer's expressions changed into one of concern, and Ink knew Instantly that he probably said something wrong. Daybreaker gave Ink a now strained smile, "Well, how about we wait for her to return?" He asked, looking over to his brother.

Daybringer stayed silent, but nodded. "well, Ink" Daybreaker said, "Do you like drawing?" He asked, almost too cheerfully.

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