Floor (Stony)

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"That was fantastic." Tony panted as he slumped back onto a stack of pillows.

"Really?" Steve looked absolutely wrecked in the best way, but Tony noticed the flash of uncertainty in his eyes. They'd been dating for almost two months, and Steve had admitted that he was worried about pleasing Tony because he was inexperienced in bed.

"It was perfect." Tony kissed Steve gently and pulled him down with him. Tony quickly fell asleep and Steve marveled at his peaceful sleeping face.

The next morning, Tony woke up to an empty bed. He was a bit disappointed. Yeah, he knew Steve didn't need as much sleep as a regular human, and he was in the habit of waking up at an ungodly early hour in the morning, but it'd still be nice to wake up to a warm body, especially since that body belonged to Steve. He was so head over heels for the man, he could barely believe it. When Steve smiled, he could just...

"Good Morning!" Tony was upset at being interrupted from his daydreaming, but that was quickly replaced with overwhelming happiness when he saw that his daydreams had manifested into the real thing. It was even better than the daydream because real Steve handed him a cup of coffee as he cuddled up next to him. He smelled fresh and showered. Tony adored it.

"I love you."

"Are you talking to me?' Steve teased him.

"Who else would I be talking to?"

"Well, you're looking at that coffee like you're about to propose, but, for the record, I love you too." Steve pecked him on the lips.

And that's how things went. They were affectionate and flirty almost all the time. Their teammates acted disgusted, but they were all secretly happy to see the couple getting along so well. Unexpectedly, they didn't fight very much. They understood each others 'work' situations and were pretty good at reading each other. Steve knew how to help Tony through his panic attacks and Tony helped Steve relax and adjust to modern life. Things were going well.

"What the hell?" Tony yelped as he stubbed his toe on something large on the floor of his bedroom. He'd just come back from a mission almost half a day earlier than expected which meant he'd arrived in New York in the middle of the night. He'd planned on slipping into his room and into bed with Steve. He'd FaceTime'd with Steve a few hours ago so he knew Steve would be sleeping deeply: they were always able to sleep better after talking to each other.

Well, that was the plan.

Suddenly the lump sprung into the air. The rush of air was almost audible with how fast it moved.


Tony didn't have super sight so he couldn't see the figure, but he damn well recognized that voice. "Steve? J, turn on the lights to the lowest setting."

The room brightened a bit and sure enough, his boyfriend was standing there in front of him. His hair was tousled with sleep and his arms were held out in a defensive position. His lids were still a bit heavy with sleep. Tony smiled inwardly at the sight. He didn't have many chances to see his boyfriend waking up, and he always loved when Steve felt safe enough to fall into a deep sleep that left him groggy when he was woken up. He knew the solider usually slept light and could be up and alert in seconds if needed. He'd seen it on missions. Groggy Steve was a trusting Steve. Tony loved that the tower made Steve feel safe.

He giggled a bit. "Fall out of bed there? Looks like you rolled a bit too."

Steve was fully awake now and he was blushing. "Um..."

"It's alright sweetheart. I will be watching the footage though. JARVIS, pull up the video of Steve falling out of bed. Adjust the lighting so I can see it clearly."

"I'm sorry Sir, but I'm afraid I can't-"

"-Why not? Has Steve bribed you to hide his embarrassing moments or something? Because let me tell you,I will definitely be hacking in and watching all of those videos."

"No, Mr. Rogers has done nothing of the sort. He did not fall from the bed so I don't have any video of it."

"What?" Tony squinted in confusion. Was he dreaming?

"Mr. Rogers chose to sleep on the floor of his own volition as he does every night."

"Steve...sleeps on the floor?"

Now Steve was beet red. He used his hand to straighten his hair and push it back. "I do."

"You don't want to sleep with me?"

"No that's not-"

"-Why didn't you just go back to your own room? Do I snore? Do I move around too much in my sleep?"

"Tony, I-"

"-Why would you sleep on the floor while I was away then?"

"Tony, stop talking." Steve raised his voice just enough to cut through Tony's spiral. "I want to sleep with you. I like sleeping in the same room as you. You don't snore and I don't think you move around much. I would sleep on the floor in my own room anyway."

"Why?" Tony, even being a genius, couldn't think of another reason why Steve would choose to sleep on the ground. He was out of ideas.

"I just..." Steve was blushing again. "The beds are too soft."

"Okay. I guess if you sleep on your stomach soft mattresses aren't the best, but you should have just told me. I'd get a harder one, or better yet, one of those beds that lets you customize each side. I though the mattress in your room was pretty hard though? The one time we slept there it seemed pretty stiff."

Steve just watched as Tony rambled. When he was done, Steve shook his head. "It's not really uncomfortable. I can nap on them, but they're just too soft. It makes me anxious."

"It makes you anxious?"

"Yeah. Back home Ma and I barely had mattresses, we were practically sleeping straight on the bed frame. During the war, we slept on the ground or worn down beds if we were lucky. When I woke up, I couldn't sleep in these beds. The mattresses and bedding is so soft. It reminded me that I was in the future. That everyone I'd known was dead or near death. Now, I like the future, I've got new friends. The feeling of being out of control still creeps up though. I get flashbacks of the plane falling, of the icy water filling the plane."

Steve's breathing hitched a little bit. "I just need to do something that reminds me of back then."

Tony wrapped his arms around Steve. They stood in silence for a few minutes.

"It's fine if you still want to sleep on the floor: at least you're getting enough sleep, but maybe I can help you sleep on the bed?"

Steve looked at Tony weirdly, "Tony I've already-"

"-you said you could nap, right? Why don't we nap together for increasingly long periods of time? It'll be during the day when it's light out. What do you think?" Tony finished his offer.

Steve thought for a minute before nodding. "Okay, I can try. Thanks."

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