Fourth of July (Starker)

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"Happy Birthday to Steve, Happy Birthday to You"

Everyone looked expectantly at Steve as he blew out the candles in the red, white, and blue cupcakes on the table. The surrounding room was completely decked out in patriotic decorations, and there was a mountain of similarly colored presents on the coffee table.

Unlike most people, Steve was glad to share his birthday with his favorite holiday so everyone went all out. The sunny day had been spend barbecuing and hanging out by the refreshing pool.

Tony fondly remembered Peter in his swim trunks. The water glistening on his exposed muscles. He never tired of gazing at his boyfriend, no matter how many times Peter blushed and looked away after meeting his gaze.

Peter reached excitedly as he grabbed a cupcake. He immediately inhaled it, staining his tongue blue. Natasha hid a smirk and Bucky laughed out loud. Despite being 23, Peter was still the 'kid avenger' and he definitely acted the part. He turned to Tony and made a pouty face, his blue lip sticking out. Tony wrapped his arm around Peter and kissed his cheek, "You guys don't want to see what happens when you upset my baby." He joked with the others.

"It is time for the colorful explosives!" Thor shouted and practically sprinted to the balcony. Although there were many members who suffered from PTSD, they had learned that even Bucky and Tony enjoyed fireworks as long as they were planned and expected.

Everyone crowded onto the balcony. Tony glanced around in confusion as he realized Peter hadn't joined them, "Spidey?" Peter strolled out at his beckoning. If Tony hadn't known better, he would think the kid was nervous. He shrugged it off as anticipation and pulled Peter under his arm again to watch the show together.

There was a whistling and the night time noises of New York were suddenly drown out with a large boom. The sky filled with red sparkles that captured everyone's full attention. Peter had stiffened a little at the noise, but not too much. Tony continued to be enchanted by the display for a few more fireworks before he looked at each of his team members.

Not long ago, they had been divided. They had fought to the point of causing serious harm and had left believing that they would never repair their broken relationships. Somehow, the impossible had occurred and they were all back safely living in the tower together. There were still tender subjects, but as Tony watched the expressions on his teammates faces brighten, he felt content at how far they'd come. He didn't mind spending a ridiculous amount of money on fireworks if it made his friends, scratch that, his family happy.

By the time he had viewed every shimmering eye, he turned his head for a quick glance at his boyfriend. Peter had been shaking a little so Tony hugged him closer to warm him up a little. He fondly smiled down at the adorableness of his shivering spider when the light from a firework lit of his face. Tony was shocked to see the tears streaming down Peter's face. He abruptly grabbed his arm and pulled him inside. Peter broke down into sobs and hiccuped.

"Are you hurt? Is something wrong? Friday, what are Peter's vitals?" Tony shot off a barrage of questions in a panic. Peter didn't break down easily so something must be seriously wrong. "I need you to talk to me."

"Peter's heart rate is slightly increased and he is perspiring more than his baseline, but within a healthy range"

Tony relaxes a little at the AI's assurance that his boy was physically unharmed. Peter grabs his hand and leads him to the bedroom. Tony figures that he doesn't want the other Avengers to see him in an emotional state and lets him move to a more private location.

Once Tony steps inside and closes the door, Peter sighs with relief and sinks into the bed. "S,S,Sorry, Tony," he manages to stutter out. "Don't apologize." Tony rubs his back in a soothing way, "Can you tell me what's wrong?"

"It's just the explosions. They're too much to take." Tony arches an eyebrow at Peter's response, "You don't like fireworks?"

"I used to but..." Peter trails off as he tries to catch his breath more.

Tony's mind immediately slips to a dark place. Does the kid have PTSD already? He's too young for that. Damn, why didn't they ask him before ordering the show. If Peter did, it'd be all his fault for taking him to those big fights when he was young. And that thing with the building, even though Peter had never blamed him, Tony knew it was his fault that Peter was trapped by the Vulture. He'd ruined the kid. He took away his youth by making him fight and by dating him.

Tony's breaths sped up and shallowed as he thought about all the mistakes he'd made with Peter. How he didn't deserve him. How he was corrupting such an innocent child.

Now it was Peter's turn to do some comforting, "Tony, focus on me. Listen to my voice okay? I need you to ground yourself. Look at my eyes. Smell this cologne." Tony came back quickly, "Sorry kid, I didn't mean to..."

Peter cut him off with a quick kiss before saying, "Sorry for interrupting the show."

"Stop trying to apologize. I don't accept them." Tony frowned a bit.

"They're just too loud I guess. With the whole senses dialed up to eleven thing, the noise makes my ears ring and my head pound. The bright lights and cheering doesn't help much either. It's stupid, I know." Peter sheepishly explained.

Tony pulled Peter close and had him leaning against his chest in a comforting position. "It's not stupid. You can't help the spider stuff. You're different from everyone so you need to handle things differently from everyone. If that means you need to find a safe space from a situation that makes you uncomfortable, it's totally fine. In fact, it's necessary. I don't want you exerting yourself to the point of pain just because you assume it's what the team wants." Tony murmured, "Everyone here has something that plaques them - PTSD, flashbacks, nightmares, and more. Saving the world is a scaring job, don't feel ashamed to ask for help or assistance."

Peter hesitated for a moment, mulling over Tony's words in his head. He then smiles and cuddles into Tony, feeling safe and loved, "Thank you for an amazing fourth." He whispers.

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