Just a Note

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Hi, guys,

So if you noticed, I took a little break from writing for a while. I plan on being back now and I will continue to work on your requests. Quite a few comments and requests have built up since I've been gone, but I will try to respond and find all the requests! It will probably take a while though.

First of all, thank you guys for all the comments and stuff. They literally make my day to read, and it's crazy to me that people are still reading this stuff even though I wasn't posting new chapters.

But to address something that I think is important to me really quick. The world is crazy right now. I started my break because I had finals and family members were hospitalized and it continued because what happened in Minnesota horrified (but not shocked) me.

As someone who is white in America, I'm afraid that I've been complicit in a system of oppression for too long. I was never overtly racist (as far as I know), and I generally supported social justice movements, but these past months have allowed me to reflect. I've been more vocal with my family and more tangible with my methods of protest.

Protests are still going on. The number of people may have shrunk but you have to keep fighting for change. It doesn't happen in an hour or a few days. If you don't want to go out in person - email. Email your city council members and local police about their practices, which can be easily found at #8Can'tWait. Local government is much easier to overwhelm than you think, and even a few lines of a unique email that they can't filter out does wonders.

Wear your masks. Anyone who doesn't is just showing that they don't care about other people.

If you think that these statements are political, then you can leave. People's lives are not political. This is basic empathy. I'm not getting paid for this, I write these for fun. Likes and comments are incredible, but I don't need them from people who can't find it in themselves to care about their fellow human beings.

We all make mistakes. And even if you don't hate ____race, if you're white, you're still benefiting from a system that benefits you. You can discuss this with me if you want. It's not the job of any BIPOC person to inform you, but as a white person - I'm willing to discuss and possibly help correct what is entirely a white issue.

If you idolize someone like Tony Stark for turning away from a life of weapons and to vigilante justice separate from the government, but don't stand up against the militarization of the price and the ridiculous military policies the US has - then you should reevaluate yourself. If you don't appreciate the change from extreme wealth to someone more generous - then you're missing the point. If you think that it's cool he's inventing clean energy, but don't take steps at home to correct yourself, and not support business that are contributing to environmental injustice and environmental racism then your missing the point.

I could go on with the other Avengers, but honestly, I'd rather write fanfics.

And I, of all people, know how fun it is to delve into fantasy land with your favorite character, BUT if you can't see why you admire these characters or see why we like these characters (for the complex traits not just the fun violence and explosions) then you aren't growing or reflecting as a person.

Social justice is not just a May/June 2020 issue. It wasn't just another bad thing from 2020. It's an ongoing issue that needs to be addressed, and as someone with privilege, it's not something that I can remain silent about with my friends or at work or even with my Trump-loving family.

Be kind.

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