Her Worst Nightmare

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Gumball marched to his room where he found his friend Anastasia.

"Did you think I just would find out?" Ana infuriated.

"Ana. I... um..."

"What are you gonna do to her?" Her voice shaking and lowering to a whisper.

"I don't know. First we need to stop her from hurting anymore people."

"Why? Why would she do this?" Gumball looked away. How was he going to tell his best friend her father was gone? "What is it, Gumball? What do you know that could tell me what's wrong with my mom?" Her eyes were focused on his.

"Ana. I don't know how to say this-"

"Then don't. I'll go ask my father about-"

"He's dead!" Silence filled the room as disbelief covered Ana's face.

"No. No no no no no no no no no. That can't be true. I saw them a week ago. He just had a cold. He was ok. He was ok." Tears flooded down her face as she paced in the middle of the room, whispering to herself.

"Ana, I, she isn't safe. She never was. Witches, they have a natural crave for distuction and death. We just overlooked it because she's your mom and we love you." Gumball tried to reason her.

"Ugh! Gumball do you hear what your saying?! I just found out my dad is dead and my mom is trying to destroy all of everything and you're telling me this was always going to happen eventually!! Are you insane?! Oh my glob.... What the hell am I gonna do?" Ana turns to him, tears still spilling over her red cheeks. With nothing else to say, he steps forward and wraps his arms around her as if to say 'I'm sorry times a million'.

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