Living Situation

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Marshall POV

Ashley sat on the red-ish couch reading a magizine, every few seconds blowing the hair that went down in frount of her nose out of her face. I felt a grumble in my stomach and stood up to see what was in the fridge.

I floated through the living room and entered the kitchen. Looking into the fridge there was 5 eggs, a half gallon of milk, two bananas, a bowl of other fruits and a box of cereal. I rolled my eyes at the cereal, sitting in the cold instead of in the cabinet.

"Hey Ashley!" I called out, "Cereal goes in the cabinet, not the fridge."

"Sorry!" She shouted out, probably not even listening.

I grabbed the milk and a bowl out of the cabinet and headed to the table.

After eating, I floated up to our bedroom. Once again I rolled my eyes to see underwear and Ashley's clothes from yesterday, sitting on the ground.

"Ashley, please put your dirty clothes in the laundry basket!" I shouted.

"Sure thing Babe!" She answered once again not sounding like she was actually listening, making me a little bit irratated.

I know I probably sound like Tini, but its probably because of her I can't stand messes. Whenever Giaa or I would leave a mess she would go all she-devil on us. And there was noway a mess would get past her.

I find myself smiling like a dork at the memory of Tini's bossiness. I look around and luckily Ashley didn't come in and see. She probably would have made fun of me....

I move Ashley's clothes into the laundry basket and check the time on the clock hanging on the wall. It was 6 o' clock, so i head outside through the window, first peeking to make sure the sun was down then floating through.

I look to the stars and find the constellations. There's Orion and Taurus and Reticulum and Mensa. Orion's my favorite. Orion is the hunter and when I was little I wanted to be a hunter. I mostly wanted to be a hunter because Tini said I couldn't. She said hunters were evil, and I told her maybe I am as well. She then hugged me and said my adorable face could never be evil. My dad and I used to look at constellations through his state of the art telescope, at least for that time. He told me all the mythology behind all the constellations. Like how Orion was to marry the virgin goddess of the hunt, Artemis, but her brother, Apollo, wouldn't let her. Then Apollo told her that if she hit a black dot out in the sea, she could marry Orion. Artemis hit the dot, that was actually Orion swimming, killing him. Artemis then put him in the stars. Mythology and constellations were my favorite things.

Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look back to see Ashley's gray-ish green-ish face.

"Hey, Babe. So I was thinking, we've been having a lot of fights lately." I nodded. We have been fighting a lot, wether it was about Ashley's messes or me hanging with mortals, A.K.A. Tini, to much, because mortals give Ash the creeps. "So I thought about it and I think it's because we live together. I mean don't get me wrong I like living woth you, I just think we moved in together too soon, ya know. I think i should move out for now and then once we get to know each other better, I can move back in." I nodded again agreeing with every word she said.

"I think you're are totally right. We need a little time to get to know each other, then we can live together." I smile, then kiss her on the forehead.

"Oh, I'm so glad. I was worried you'd get mad..." She trailed off. I thwen leaned forward and kissed her on the lips.

"How could I get mad at your beautiful face?"

FYI: hey I just wanted to tell you guys to follow this wonderful friend of mine, online and IRL, lillyquisenberry. So if you feel like following someone new follow her. Bie.

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