Moving Day

17 4 0

Marshall POV

I looked in the truck to see just one thing left. The couch. Ashley walks out just then, brushing off her hands.

"Hey, Ash, wanna help me carry this up?" I ask hopeful she'll be willing.

"Yeah, sure." She said them grabbed the side of the couch opposite of me.

"Ok lift on three. One..... Two..... Three!" We lifted the couch and carried it into the house until we got inside, then we both slumped into it.

"I'm really glad you're moving in Ashley." I say leaning my head against hers.

"Same. Oh yeah, I have this new spell, watch." She said, then motioned her hands to make a rose with eyes and a mouth appear.

"Mashall Wee! I wuv! I wuv!" The rose said in the most adorable way.

"Awwww. Thanks Ashley." I said then kissed her on the side of her head, causing her to giggle.

"You know your giggle is adorable." I said, then we moved so Ashley's head was on my lap.

"I love you, Ashley."

"I love you too, Marshall Lee."


Sorry for short chapters, I'm trying to work on that. Thanks for reading. Bie!

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