A Girl Named Giaa

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Rays of sun hit my skin as I rolled in my bed. I clenched eyes and groaned, pulling the covers over my head.

"Wake up sleepy head!" A familiar, golden voice sang.

"No thanks, better luck next time." I said rolling onto my stomach.

"Marsh, come on! Tini said she's going to make sandwiches for an adventure!" She exclaimed, obviously excited.

"Ugh. Fine, if you insist. I'll be down in a few." I groaned, sitting up, while pushing back my black flops of hair.

"Ok!" Giaa smiled, then skipped off.

Five minutes later I was down stairs sitting at the table wait for Tini to be done making breakfast.

"Did you sleep well?" Giaa asked sitting next to me.

"Yeah. Where are we going to go?"

"Tini found a cave on her way back from the store yesterday evening. She said its big and beautiful. I can't wait to see it for myself!" She awed at the details she had recently heard from Tini.

Tini served cheesy yellow eggs with flecks of green herbs. Beside the eggs were two pieces of lightly buttered toast and a full glass of orange juice.

"This looks amazing Tini! Thank you so much." Giaa thanked, then dug in to the delicious looking food.

"No problem. Do you like it Marshall?" Tini asked, sitting on the opposite side of my than Giaa.

"Yeah, it's great."

Later, after eating, we got our stuff together and headed out. We reached the cave soon. When I got there a sinking feeling grew in my stomach. It was like I knew some where in me that something bad was going to happen. We entered the cave, looked around, and Tini found a gem that matched her neckless. From the neckless appeared a big door. I looked at the door, thinking hard for where I had seen it before. Then it hit me. Like a truck speeding down the highway. I knew where I was. I knew what would happen. I turn to grab Giaa, to tell her we needed to leave, but it was no use. I turned and when I did she was gone. Like time skipped to the moment she disappeared. The moment I lost one of the most important people in my life. I felt like I was pulled out of my skin.

I woke up, tears covering my face. My hands were clenching tightly to the blanket covering me.

It was a dream. I knew that would probably happen eventually. Constant crystal ball use can lead to having the person you were watching's memories. Damn. Marshall went through shit....

I thought about it. I thought about it so hard I started to hit my head to stop myself. Stop it Ana! It's in the past! Marshall's over it so stop!

I sighed, laying back down. It's not good for you to think about it Ana...... Just get some rest....

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