Chapter 6

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     The air oddity was sulking on his bed, glaring at his hands. Gusts of chilling wind entered through the gaping window. Tears welled up in his eyes, the shining liquid began to roll down his cheeks like little diamonds falling off of a rich man's table. He felt as if he could not do anything right, again, a bit of a cliche emotion to possess, but it was quite true for him.
    Grey had honestly done enough sobbing for one day. He took out his braid so he would take a nap. He didn't care that he was basically skipping the rest of class. The boy crawled into his bunk, already barefoot, and was about the start trying to sleep when the door handle clicked. Alister was here.
    He shoved into the room. Grey jerked up, glaring at him.
    "What do you want?!" The boy sobbed. Alister sighed, sitting a tin of cookies on one of the many shelves on the left wall of the dorm, right underneath three blue sconces.
    "Listen, the only reason you lost was because you were nervous. She wasn't that good herself." The brunette smiled up at Grey, who was still on the top bunk of the bed, a blanket in his hands pressed up against his face.
    "I wasn't nervous!" Grey retorted, more tears dribbling down his waterline. Alister giggled.
    "Yes you were, you-"
    "You don't have a say in how good I am! You won, Riley won, I'm like the only one who failed!" He cried, throwing a little sheep plushie at Alister's head. The taller boy looked down at his feet, sighing again.
    "Can I come up there to talk to you?" He offered, looking up at Grey again. The light haired boy nodded slowly, tears soaked into the beige, fluffy blanket he was cuddling. Alister climbed up the ladder and sat next to Grey. "I've never seen your hair down before. It looks nice. Anyways, The only reason I won against Tune was sheer luck. Riley won because the boy she was sparring didn't want to hurt a girl. She used that to her advantage. You need to look for weaknesses in your opponents, and not focus too much on your own moves or points, but theirs." Grey had looked away when Alister complimented his hair, he bunched it all up into a braid like shape again. He seemed upset that someone his own age had to instruct him on his battle technique. It really wasn't even technique at all.
    "B-But what if it doesn't work? What if I still lose?" Alister hugged Grey.
    "You won't. Trust me. Your moves were in fact very well done..." Grey almost flipped, he pushed away, blushing. All he could hear were Alister's faint giggles. "Anyways, I brought you some cookies."
    Grey smiled at Alister before the other air oddity left the dorm. He hopped down from his bunk and opened the tin. There were about twelve frosted sugar cookies inside, yellow and pink being the colors. He smiled again, wiping tears away when he saw the sticky note on the lid. It read;
    "Stop being so cute, wtf Grey."
Grey snickered, before fishing out two cookies and happily eating them. When he finished, he noticed he had left a trail of crumbs on the rug. He shrugged before gazing out the window. The bitter cold breeze whisked his hair back. He felt like Rapunzel with his long hair and looking out the window of a tall tower. He saw Alister way down below, walking quickly back to the main building. The speaker came on.
    "Block three has come to a close, please start heading to block four. Have a nice day, oddities. Please note that the new school year dance is next friday. Be sure to find your sweetheart or round up your friends. We hope to see you there." Grey rolled his eyes at the announcement of the dance. He never went to the dance throughout the three years he had attended SpiralWood. This time, he didn't forget his shoes as he headed out. Grey quickly put his hair into a braid as he made his way to the elevator.

     I loved writing this chapter, a poll will open soon on something for the fanclub btw SO JOIN PLS. (The fanclub is on my amino! Please join it for updates and stuff! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2019 ⏰

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