Chapter 2

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When Twan opened the door I thought he was going to slap me or yell at me so I prepared myself for it.

"Baby are you okay?", I was extremely shocked when he asked me that, I guess he wants me to say yeah so he can beat me up or yell at me.

"Yeah I'm fine"

"Did he punch you or did he slap you?"

"He just slapped me but he had a ring on"

"Let me see", he lightly grabbed my face under my chin and looked at it. "I'm gonna go get you some ice, go in the room and lay down", I walked to the room and laid on the bed, then he came in with some ice, alcohol, and Neosporin.

"Thank you daddy, I can put it on"

"Naw I got you, let me take care of you", he cleaned up the blood and everything from my face and kissed it. He helped me take my clothes off and then he got in the bed and cuddled with me.

"Baby you know everything I do I do it out of love, even if you don't see it that way"

"I know you have good intentions. I don't think I wanna go anywhere tomorrow though"

"It's Saturday babe, I have a game. You have to come you my good luck charm. When you didn't come we lost"

"What about me...never mind I'll be there"

"Good now go to sleep we have a long day and night ahead of us"

I went to sleep but my throat was dry so I lowly got up from out of Twan' arms and I went to the kitchen to get some water.

"Baby you okay?", Twan asked coming in the kitchen.

"Yeah my throat is just a little dry so I came in here to get some water"

"Naw you need some hot tea. Sit down and I'll make you some", I sat down and put my head on the counter while he fixed me some tea. "There you go, and be careful cause it's hot"

"Thank-you", I drank some and my throat was feeing better already. I took one last sip and then I went back in the room. I wasn't sleepy so I just sat there playing a game in my phone when I saw it was 1 in the morning.

"Baby what you doing?"

He's really scaring me now. He came back in the room laying down next to me circling my stomach.

"I'm just playing a game"

"Oh, well since you up let's talk about something I've been wanting to talk to you about"

"Alright what you wanna talk about?", I put my phone on the table next to the bed and I turned the lamp on.

"Well I've been thinking about us having a baby..."

Now I've already made the wrong choice by thinking I was grow and beating up my mama. That choice right there alone was enough for me but he want a baby. I don't even love him anymore, the only reason I'm still here is because I have no where else to go.

"A baby?", I managed to choke out,

"Yeah a baby. I wanna see y'all at my game cheering me on. You the only woman I want so why not?"

"Well I still haven't graduated yet. And I want to at least start in my career"

"What do you want to do then?", his voice went from excited to annoyed. Like you about to go to the pros in a couple of years and I haven't even graduated high school yet. Heck I'm not even 18 yet but I will be in a couple of weeks.

"I want to start on my own beauty salon and sell weave. That is going to bring in so much money"

"I don't care about money we already rich. I want a baby"

"I have a big baby already. I like it being just us two"

"So you wouldn't ever in life have a baby by me?"

"I'm not saying that. Who wouldn't want to have a baby by the Raytwan Young?", I said movin my arms like his name was in flashing lights. "Daddy I'm just not really ready for a baby right now, I'm going to graduate in a couple of months can you just wait at least that long?"

"I want to start on one right now", he pouted crossing his arms like a little kid.

"Oh we can definitely start one"

"No you don't want to have my baby", he said still acting like a little kid.

"How about this. Since your sister just had a baby how about we watch her for a week and see how's baby would work in our schedule"

"Alright that ain't a bad idea"

"I know cause I thought of it", I said laughing.

"Don't get cocky lil girl"

"I'm not getting it, it's what I want right now", I moved my arms down his stomach to the top of his boxers.

"No. If I can't get a baby you can't get none"

"I don't know why you acting like that I can hold out longer than you can", I said getting under the covers.

"No you can't. You get horny when I smile at you"

"Whatever", I said playfully rolling my eyes. Now this is the Twan I fell in love for in high school. The nice, sweet, loving, and caring Twan. We both went back to sleep and I was just thinking of what tomorrow would bring us.

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