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*pics up mic* Yeah, hello. After weeks of wondering, I've finally decided to write a Scomiche story. This is not my first attempt at writing a fanfiction, I'm actually writing a book really, but it IS, anyway, my first attempt in this fandom and, more important, it's the first time that I write a story in english, since is not my native language.

So please, be gentle. All critics are accepted!

This is just a little intro, I know it's very short but I wanna start this so bad and then I'll try to update as soon as I can. And here.we.go.


Jake knew something was off way before Alex spoke. There was something wrong in his bestfriend's eyes, something in the way he was sitting, the way his stare was fixated in the unknown. Still, he didn't ask, knowing that he would have talked when he was ready.

He just looked at him, waiting for the shoe to drop, eating his burger quietly. It was a nice Sunday morning, and they were out for their usual brunch-and-beach routine.

When his bestfriend spoke, though, he knew that the nice day he had looked to has disappeared. He really wasn't prepared for what Alex told him, a sadness in his eyes.

"Scott and Mitch just had a fight in front of me. Like, a real fight."

He laughed, totally certain that it was a joke. There was no way that could really happen. Alex didn't seem to want to laugh, though, and that was concernig.

"Mitch slapped him."

Jake looked at him, almost dropping his drink. He double-blinked, unsure if he had heard right. What the hell?

"You're kidding."

Alex shook his head, still unable to wrap his mind to what he had witnessed. He could still hear the yelling and the harsh words flying trough the room.

"You're totally kidding."

"Trust me, I can't believe it either, and I was there. It was horrible."

"But.. Why? I mean.. did they ever fight before? I don't even think I ever heard one of them raise his voice towards the other."

Alex thought for a minute. "You know, they have never done such a thing.. at least, not to my knowledge. But they have been weird for a couple of months now, if I do think about it. Since.."

He stopped, eyes widening as he let thoughts that he had tried to suppress twirl into his mind all at once.

Jake meanwhile was still trying to picture his friends yelling at each other. Nope, he couldn't. Scott and Mitch..they were so in sync all the time, always in love. Sometimes they were so in love that it was painful, especially for Alex, who, even if he would have never admitted, was pretty jealous sometimes. Everyone knew Scott loved him..but everyone knew Scott loved Mitch too. Different ways, yes. But it could still hurt.

Alex sighed, put his forehead on the table and just looked miserable. Jake was quiet for a moment, trying to figure out what else was going on. Yes, Mitch and Scott fighting was awful, and probably Alex felt sad for Scott - Scotty is sure a mess right now - but it seemed an odd reaction for the situation.

"I think they're sleeping together." Alex just whispered, his voice muffled from the arms that were around his head.

That's it. He had gone insane, there wasn't another explanation. He just stared at him, unsure of what to say that wasn't Are you fucking serious?

"I'm sorry, did you just said what I think you said?"

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