Chapter 24

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A/N: Messy and jumpy, but wohoo we're here babies, we got to the turning point. From here we'll just go to reach the end. Not much to say, it's 3am and I'm feeling super tired, and I'm so frustrated with this chapter I'm just going to throw it out here, hoping you guys will like it enough.

Thanks like all the time to my beta fishy Eve that this time helped me more than ever. I'll see you guys very soon!

ps. 250 people following me, are y'all regretting it or not? lmao


When talking about the lifestyle of celebrities, it's funny how people only focus on the very positive sides. The travelling, the money, the opportunities. The fun, the parties, the sweet fans. Everything looks like this amazing golden path full of wonders and nothing but joy and smiles and expensive wine.

They never talk about the other side. They rarely say a thing about the long days of work without a break. The impossibility of having a day off or call in sick because there's no one who can replace you - and if they do, you're out. They never talk about the pressure of falling out and be done. The fear of failure in front of hundreds and hundreds of people, all watching and just waiting for one wrong move. They never talk about the hard part - and if they do it's just to motivate you in doing better, to always push yourself and give everything you have, because there are so many people waiting for you to slip so they can take your place.

Mitch thought he knew it. Before starting his career he thought that he would never be one of those artists who let the celebrity life take them by surprise. He prepared himself for all of that - but no one ever told him how challenging it could really be. He then found out that there were far more challenging things - like being aware that he was going to have the time of his life, surrounded by celebrities he never even dreamed of being with, and having his stomach eating itself everytime he looked at Scott and Alex.

He was almost jealous of Kirstie, staying home because of a bad conjunctivitis. He cursed when Jeremy told them the news that the poor girl wasn't feeling up for the night. Not only because facing an event like that as a broken team wasn't the best public display, but also because if there was someone who had hoped to stay home and avoid the night, well, it had been him. But the show must go on, he told himself as he prepared for the award. He had to force a smile on his face throughout all the day and for the first time he was thankful that they were not going to have a lot of camera coverage.

It was bad enough that he wasn't feeling good at all. He wasn't sure that he would be able to act normal with the pressure of all the celebrities and journalist around. He held his belly as the makeup artist applied the first layer of foundation on his face, wanting to curl into a ball, get himself into bed and completely forget about all the different things that acquired his presence that day.

The weekend had already been pretty tiring between the long hours out and the facade he had to wear. He had tried to avoid the night out in Vegas, really not feeling up to spend time so close with Scott and Alex. But he already had tickets for the Taylor Swift concert, and a lot of friends he hadn't seen in a while were going to be there too and he didn't want to lose the opportunity to spend some time with them - especially since he was always away.

Besides his pride would have never allowed him to miss something he loved just because he couldn't stand see Scott with his boyfriend.

Of course, that wasn't the best of the ideas. His gastritis, that had been acting up since the were still in Europe, had not gotten better. He never thought it would come a day that watching his best friends be happy with someone else would make him feel like throwing up, but there he was.

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