Chapter 1

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It had been many years since the Leave of the Lotus, many Tenno have fallen prey to depression, sinking their teeth into their own skin or killing the measly grineer or corpus endlessly. Many a victim others are too scared or unsettled by her disappearance. However our Journey does not look upon these feeble minded Tenno. We shall look a Tenno who is......

...... Sleeping under a tree....?

(Y/N): (Snore)


(Y/N): (Snore)

Um...... Is he..? Goin- Oh someone is coming towards him. She looks about the average height. With short black hair. She's wearing a uniform...? Hold on a minute, where are we?

???: (Y/N).

She taps the the young man's shoulder in an attempt to wake him up.

???: (Y/N)...!

She taps him more, but to no avail. She then grabs his shoulder and began to shake him.

???: (Y/N)!! Get Up!!!

She stops after a while and sighs. She then turns around and walks away.

(Y/N): Oh it's you. Good Afternoon, Mrs. Shitori

Mrs. Shitori then turns around to see (Y/N) with his eyes open with a calm expression

Shitori: You know you don't have to speak so formally, I am a student, same as you.

(Y/N): I apologize, should I call you Sona, or is Shitori is fine?

Sona:What isn't fine is that you almost slept past your next period.

(Y/N) then pulls out his pocket watch to see the time.

(Y/N): It seems you are in the correct. I shall head off immediately.

Sona: This new student seems to be a weird specimen. Good thing he can understand us.

(Y/N) opened the doors to his homeroom class and walks to his table. He sits down as the bell to class begins.


School had just ended and (Y/N) was walking to his home. He walks by countless streets and stores until he crosses a dark alleyway. Things weren't so fortunate for him. Two people with hoodie and shady clothing were right before him. (Y/N) with his calm expression simply turned the other way. Again things weren't so fortunate as another shady person stood right before him.

Thug1: Ay look is one 'em high schoolers we seen strolling 'round out 'ere

Thug 2: I bet they got some gud cash on 'em

Thug 3: What say you kid? Ya go any money?

(Y/N): (sigh) All you want is money right?

Thugs: Yeah

(Y/N) then pulls out a giant silver ore that shine like the moon.

(Y/N): Will this do?

The thugs look at (Y/N) before looking at each other.

Thug 1: What the fauck is this?

Thug 2: We ain't askin' for you jewelry. We just want yer cash

(Y/N): (sigh) I'm sorry to say but I'm afraid I can't reach up to your expectations. May I leave now.

(Male Warframe reader x Highschool DxD) RiseWhere stories live. Discover now