Chapter 2

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(Y/N) was arriving upon his Ship. It was dark out and his tiredness nearly got to him. Thankfully Ordis was there awaiting him. The doors to his ship open allowing him to enter.

Ordis: Welcome Back Operator, Did you enjoy your time in -HELL- School?

(Y/N): Yes, everything is quite alright. (Yawn)

Ordis: You seem tired operator, you should- Sleep with the fishes- Rest.

(Y/N): I'll do just that. I just need to do something right before then.

(Y/N) then begins to walk towards his arsenal to view his multitudes of weapons.

(Y/N): I need something small but quick for close range.

He scrolls through the lists of melee weapons, one caught his attention.

(Y/N): The dark split sword. Well in handling higher level enemies and is quite fast. My only problem with it is that it's only source of damage is Radiation. I think this should do. There are no grineer here so It should all be good.

(Y/N) continues to look for more weapons to choose. About an hour and 30 minutes have passed. In about 30 minutes he spent searching for the right weapon, the rest of the time was him modding the weapons.

(Y/N): So I got the Rakta Cernos, built for high crit, about 60%. I have the Twin Grakatas, Not very accurate but the do quite a bit of damage. And finally the Dark Split Sword in Dual Blade mode with high critical chance and very high speed. I should be good for any upcoming attacks in the future.

Ordis: You have quite the arsenal operator I can't wait for you to-Bleed- Test them out. But I believe that resting is in your favor.

(Y/N): Thanks Ordis. I'm gonna go rest now. Night.

Ordis: Sweet dreams operator.



It's currently Monday, I was walking towards Kuoh Academy It happened to be a popular school at the time. I thought it was because of it's exceeding knowledge and proper education. Turns out the school use to be a "Girls-only" but recently turned Co-ed. And ever since it's been flooding to the brim with Idiots and Lazy people.

(Y/N): (sigh) I would move out of this school because of how disdained it is.

I arrive at my classroom and sit at my designated table. I pull out a small book and read it. It was about the language of this country and certain attractions it has. I flipped through all of its pages until class started. I had finished the book before the teacher had even arrived.

Teacher: Alright Settle down, Class has started get in your seats.


Class had just finished and it was lunch. I decided to go to my favorite spot. The shade. I arrive at a tree I slept under a few days ago...... At least I tried to. I felt an Unnerving presence searching for me, It was within a 50 meter radius. I don't know who it is but I can tell they are looking for me. I decided to hide myself by cloaking.

(Y/N): Who is this, and what do they want from me.

I decided to walk around to search for them. I look through the bushes and behind the school buildings, nothing. Whoever they are, they're pretty good at hiding. I think for a moment.

(Y/N): Got it!

I dash to the floor making a small barrier.......... Small is an understatement. It was the size of the school building.

(Male Warframe reader x Highschool DxD) RiseWhere stories live. Discover now