Chapter 6

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A few days had passed after the confrontation with the Fallen Angels.I had gotten a bed installed incase of future incidents. Asia has been with the ORC doing..... Whatever it is that they do. Making contracts and doing all sorts of Demonic stuff? I don't really know since the demons basically help people with casual stuff. I was leaving class and heading back to my liset.

(Y/N): I should stop by the local supermarket and get some food. No, I don't have any money.

???: I could lend you some.

(Y/N): Really? That would be appreciate-.......

I look to my right to see Koneko.

(Y/N): um....

Koneko: What?

(Y/N): Why are you...?

Koneko: Fish.

(Y/N):..... (SIGH) Right.

I forgot that Koneko follows me home to get some fish. How do we keep supplying her? I still have yet to know. We continued onward to the market to get some food.


It was the next day and there were many problems. One being..

Random Girl 1: I heard he was with Koneko last evening...

Random girl 2: Really?

Random girl 3: He doesn't look like one to date.

Random Girl 1: Maybe he's a Loli-con?

I don't even understand what they mean. The hell's a Loli-con? And what's worse....

Random Guy 1: I don't like him. The way he acts around us is damn right absurd.

Random Guy 2: Yeah! Like why is Koneko hanging out with a guy like that?

Random Guy 3: We should put him in his place.

(Y/N): I walked to the market with her for one, ONE day and shit is going haywire!

I arrive to my class and sit at my desk. I kept hearing more people spreading rumors about me.

Random student 1: Damn, I never noticed how quiet he is.

Random student 2: I know right, like seriously.

Random student 3: He looks unnaturally angry.

Random student 4: Dude, is he the one sitting by the tree?

Random student 5: Bruh, he reads books! Who reads books nowa-

(Y/N): SHUT UP!!!

Everyone stared at me in silence as I stood from desk. People turned their heads from me, avoiding eye contact. I then return to my seat. I set my head on the desk.




(Y/N): Ugh... humans here are fucking annoying

???: Tell me about it.

(Y/N): Honestly, why are they so worked up about me walking home with someone? I find it fucking dumb, I didn't even walk home with them, I went to the fucking Mar-.......

I look to see Koneko again, this time however she had a weird dark bar in her hands.

(Y/N): Oh, Afternoon.

(Male Warframe reader x Highschool DxD) RiseWhere stories live. Discover now