Dadlock/ Dadriarty reader part 2

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You and your father were standing still. Everything was quiet in the walls of 221B Bakerstreet. No one dared to say anything, no one dared to move nor to breath loudly. The three of you, Sherlock, John and you, were speechless. Sherlock was still kneeling in front of you with your hand in his. It wasn't often that he was not sure how to explain something, but after some very uncomfortable moments, which felt like years, he sighed and got up from his knees. You looked up at the big man who was now leading you to his armchair. He sat down and grabbed you with both his hands under your armpits to lift you up and sit down on his lap. He shared a nervous look with John, who was sitting on the edge of the brown, familiar couch, and then looked into your (E/C) and now glassy eyes filled with tears. He then started explaining:

"Okay. (Y/N), I know you must have many questions. But as I know and understand the way of your thinking and understanding I guess I will save us some time. From the parts you heard you must have concludet that the stranger, his name is James by the way, must be your father. You heard the name Jessica didnt you?-", You nodded slightly and nervously. "You must have concludet that Jessica is your mother, which is another topic. Your final conclusion was that I am a liar. So now we have 2 wrong conclusions and a right one."

He paused and breathed in calmly. You looked even more confused now. You looked behind to see the small man playing with his hands like an impatient child, waiting for it's candy.
You looked back up into your father's blue- green eyes. He gave you a small smile and opened his mouth again to continue explaining:

"The right one is yes, Jessica is your mother. But No, Jim is not your father and No, I am not a liar. Jessica seemd to be a good person but she lied to me. She worked for Jim, but she never knew what exactly it was that he did. Mycroft found a way to get information and told me to talk to her. She seemed to like me a lot and so did I. We started dating after a few months, but after after quite a while I found out that she was cheating on me with her boss, Jim, the man who was here couple of minutes ago. I then found out that she was pregnant. I left her but got a call from the hospital when she gave birth to you 9 month after our breakup. She told the nurses that I was the father, which I didnt believe in first place. But the first time I held you in my hands I knew you were mine. And I would keep you save for the rest of my life. She then died."

You were overwhelmed, but after staring into the detective's eyes for a while you started smiling. You knew your father wouldn't lie to you so you were satisfied with the explanation he gave to you so far. You sorted all the informationin your mind palace and then wrapped your arms around him and burried you head into his neck. He breathed out in relief and kissed you on your forehead. John got up and walked over to you and Sherlock. He patted on your back couple of times and walked into the kitchen. You heard your stomach shouting for food so you looked up and said:

"Daddy I'm hungry.."

The curly haired man smiled slightly and asked loudly so John could hear him too:


-"Starving", You and John answered together.

The three of you started chuckling and giggling for a bit until Sherlock got up, with you on his hip, walking over to the  doctor who was warming up the food leftover that you ordered the day before.

You enjoyed your meal, until you heard a car parking in front of the house...

Hii. Sorry that I was unactive the last few weeks. I know its short but I hope you enjoyed reading! Comments are always welcome!💖
Hope you are having a nice day!

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