Growing Strong

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"Thank you... yes... yes... of course..." Euca spoke, stuttering as she stood. She placed the phone down on the table and ran a hand through her hair, a small smile appearing on her face and a small laugh beginning to grow," We did it..."

"What?" Angie muttered, a tamale in her mouth.

Euca laughed and looked up at us, that's when I noticed. The large dark bags under her eyes continued to grow more noticeable," We did it... LG Electronics..."

"You're saying, one of the largest electronic companies is sponsoring you guys?" Joseph smiled as he helped Ale back up.

She squirmed after Angie who held a large bag of tamales, he smiled and let her go slightly. She huffed and gave in.

"You are batman..." Jayden smiled.

Euca smiled and moved from her chair, she hissed and held her head.

"You alright?"

She nodded," A few z's and-" She stopped and swayed slightly before her legs gave out and she collapsed.

Archer caught her before she hit the floor," She's fallen asleep... Heh, guess she couldn't hold on any longer." He picked her up and set her on the couch.

"I swear when she-"

"Angie, she pushed herself for us. You can't exactly hurt her because she did that." I spoke.

"I don't care, I'm still gonna-"

"Nope," Jayden cooed and locked her arms to her sides," Not on my watch love."

Angie squirmed and tried desperately to break free from his grasp," You little ass..."

"Nice of you to talk about that love, but it's not that small." He chuckled and leaned his chin on her shoulder.

Suddenly the door opened," Yuki, I brought you some... food. Hi?"

We all turned to look at the stranger that entered the house.

"Hi, I'm Duke." He beamed and looked around at us.

Angie put down the bag and walked up to him as Jayden let her go," And who are you?"

"I just said who I was." He chuckled," You must be Angie, that means... You are Ale, and you are Josie, and..." He glanced at the boys," Archer, J... Jayden, and random being."

"How the hell!?" Angie snapped and glared heavily at him.

Not in the least bit fazed he smiled and patted her head," Trust me hun, I've seen that one mad and you aren't half as likely to put me in the ground." He glanced at Euca and brushed passed Angie," I told her to drink water, but I guess she never does learn..."

"Now listen here you ass!" Angie snapped again," You lay one finger on her and I swear to all the gods above that I will send you to hell!"

Duke straightened out and looked at her," Been there love. I'm guessing she's never told you about me."

Angie clenched her fists tight.

"Woah boy..." I muttered and found myself cowering behind Joseph and Jayden.

"You think?"

Duke smiled," Yeah, I do. I'm Duke Brooks, I'm English and I've known this stubborn one for a few years now. She called me up when you girls hit that rut with the Activities Director."

"And why the hell would she fucking do that you piece of shit?" Angie growled.

Archer stood protectively in front of Euca as Duke walked into the kitchen.

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