Demands of The Masses

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I sighed as I plugged in my headphones and made my way to the Yoga Room. 'Damn talk about a long day.' I screamed as a pair of arms picked me up and spun me around bridal style. I yelped and clung to the person. A deep, yet familiar laugh rang through my ears. Panting I shook my head and looked up at Archer.

"What... the... hell..."

He beamed down at me," What, can you blame me?"

"For which part, frightening me or almost killing me."

He hummed as he walked," Both."

"Then, yes." I snapped," Now put me down, I have legs."

Archer smiled down at me," Yeah, but I know you dont have good knees love. Don't want you hurting yourself."

"And for scaring me?" I asked relaxing.

"You looked sour, figured you need a bit of a jump." He smiled.

I huffed and crossed my arms," Yeah..."

"Did I succeed?" He cooed.

I didn't look at him," Yes..."

He laughed as he walked, holding me and my bag with ease.

"Aren't I heavy?"

"No, I've carried Jayden before. Now that bloke is a pig." He laughed.

I smiled at him," Oh really?"

"Yeah, you're really light. " he sighed as he cradled me," Not much of a work out love."

I narrowed my eyes," Do you want it to be?"

He smiled and glanced at me," Come on now. You wouldn't make a fuss would ya love?"

I blushed and scoffed at him, nuzzling closer as the winds blew harsh.

"Cold?" He asked.

"Always..." I muttered.

He chuckled, "Well we're almost there hun."

"Wait, what about the door?" I asked.

He smiled," Don't worry, I've got it."

I looked at him and thought about how on earth he could open the door if he was holding me.

"Like what you see love?" He chuckled, stopping at the door.

I buried my face in his chest," Shut up..."

He laughed and shifted slightly.

I heard the door open and his arm tense up. 'Wow... he really opened it?' Instantly I was enveloped in warmth, I smiled and peered out from my hiding place.

Archer chuckled again," Alright hun, safe and sound indoors."

I raised my head and looked at the floor, dangling my feet absent mindedly.

Archer started to walk again and carried me up both flights of stairs to the Yoga room.

Once we got there my friends instantly bombarded me.

"Awh, lookie how cute~"

"Wow, how does it feel to be tall?"

"Does it feel like you're on a cloud?"

"How the hell is he carrying you?"

"How long has he been carrying you?"

I blushed and hid away in his chest again," Ya, 너 바보 야 그만해라." ( You idiots. Stop it! )

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