Introducing Billy at the Neighborhood Party

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Kat's stomach tightened with apprehension. She hoped Billy would fit in and that he wouldn't feel they were inferior to his friends when they arrive in a party of burnouts and poor kids. But he hopefully knew who she hung around by now.

The Stafford gang stepped through the front door.

Kat watched Billy's eyes widen with admiration as he focused on the greetings, impressed that her brothers were treated like royalty as they strolled into the kitchen. Nearly having to stop every few feet to greet someone.

Steppenwolf blasted throughout the house from a radio on the counter. The group lined up along the kitchen counter.

They faced Kevin, seated on the kitchen table, his feet flat on the seat of a chair. He held a beer in his hands, Kevin set his beer on the table held a hand out to Steve and they shook. He swept his long bright red hair out of his face.

"Well, well, if it isn't the whole Stafford gang, with some new members I see." Kevin looked down the row of people who came in behind Steve.

"Hey Kev, how have you been?" Steve greeted.

"Good buddy." Kevin replied. Steve reached out and their hands connected in a quick shake.

"This is Kat's boyfriend, Billy." Steve introduced. Kat's heart speed up, hearing Billy described as her boyfriend. It was especially nice to hear Steve validate Billy as her boyfriend.

"Nice to meet you, man." Kevin said.

Billy darted forward with an air of nervous energy.

"Hi, it's good to meet you too," Billy said quickly. Kat could understand why Billy was a little anxious to be talking to Kevin. Everyone was aware that Kevin was one of the most dangerous kids in town. He even made her uneasy.

Once, Kevin had taken a baseball bat to a kid who owed him money for drugs. Then there was the time that he threatened to kill a stranger he'd met at a bar, just for looking at his girlfriend, underage no less.

Steve settled against the counter beside the others. They passed beers down the line to each other.

"Hey Kev, I've been meaning to ask you. Do you know a kid named Jimmy Williams?" Steve lifted his can and took a swig of beer waiting for a response.

Kevin shook his head.

"Yeah. I remember him. Jerry's little brother, right? The one Sean had to set straight?" Kevin gave a mischievous grin. He enjoyed a good fight, especially when he could boast about his friends winning.

Kevin held up his beer to Sean in approval. Sean leaned forward and the two cans collided in congratulatory fashion.

Kat moved from Billy's side to Steve's. Her heart raced. Steve was probably about to bring up her name. Steve lifted his arm and she slipped under. She wrapped her arms around herself.

"Yeah, that one." Steve confirmed with a nod.

"I heard of him, but I don't know him. I heard you guys had a run in with him recently. What's up?" Kevin's eyebrows came together, intently listening.

Kat knew nothing stayed a secret in their neighborhood for long. She cringed inside, knowing she was about to be the topic of conversation.

"I don't know. He says he wants payback for Jerry. Miles, tell Kevin what happened that night." Steve nodded his chin upwards in Miles' direction.

Miles flipped his hair and explained the encounter on the street.

Scott spoke up after Miles. "He was at the party last weekend too. He wanted to fight Sean. I was upstairs. Billy told me what was going on." Scott explained and pointed to Billy.

Steve turned his attention to Billy.

"Billy, what happened at the party?" Steve asked. His voice turned to a mix of stern and curiosity. Great. Scott just told about the whole Jimmy situation at the party. She was definitely going to the be center of attention now.

Billy told them about how Jimmy gave Kat a hard time. Calling her 'golden girl' and that he wanted to fight Sean. Steve looked down into Kat's guilty eyes and she have him a sheepish smile.

"Billy, you keep an eye on Kat don't you?" Steve questioned.

"Yes, we always walk together in the halls. I'd never let anybody mess with her." Billy said. Kat shot Billy a shy smile. His eyes sparkled, as they met hers. It made her feel all tingly and warm, hearing Billy talk about her in such a protective way.

"Good. Thanks. I appreciate it." Steve said. He turned back to Kevin, "I really gotta take care of this kid. He's trying to fight Sean, now he's bothering Kat. Something's got to happen soon, it's getting out of hand."

"Shoot, I'm in!" Kevin jumped in excited and always eager for a confrontation.

"Well this kid is mine." Steve remarked.

Growing Up A Stafford (The Trouble With Brothers) When Kat Meets Billy-Book 1Where stories live. Discover now