The Party - Mark Meets Billy

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Kat slid out from under Steve's arm and walked by Billy. She tugged his shirt sleeve and jerked her head in the direction of the living room, signaling for him to follow.

As the two stepped into the living room, Kat noticed Mark and Brad talking at the far wall with their dates. Mark turned his head in her direction. Their eyes connected.

Mark walked toward them and threw his arm around Billy's neck, he pulled Billy in tight.

"We're gonna talk." Mark ordered.

"Mark!" Kat shrieked. Mark forced Billy toward an open bedroom. Kat figured Mark was probably going to lecture him just as her brother had done. She appreciated the protection, but she didn't want him to scare Billy away.

Kat knew Mark resented rich kids. He coined them 'entitled brats' and Mark was going to let Billy know. Kat's eyes followed Mark as he dragged Billy into the bedroom and slammed the door behind them. She crossed her arms and stood waiting patiently for them to come out.


Mark dropped down on the end of the bed. He pulled out a cigarette pack from the front flannel pocket. Flipping the lid of a pack of cigarettes open, Mark's fingers pulled out one cigarette and a red lighter housed inside the pack. He shut the pack closed, flipped his long brown hair from his eyes and stuffed the pack back in his chest pocket.

With the cigarette between his fingers, Mark pointed to the door. Billy's heart thumped. He stood with his back against a faded wooden dresser.

"Look, I don't like you, rich kid. Kat's a nice girl, not like your rich little bitchy girls. You better treat her with respect." He turned his finger to Billy and continued. "If I find out you hurt her in any way, I will break every fucking bone in your fucking body. You got it?" Mark said finishing his stern lecture. Mark stood, bumped Billy into the wall and strolled out into the living room, lighting his cigarette.

Growing Up A Stafford (The Trouble With Brothers) When Kat Meets Billy-Book 1Where stories live. Discover now