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So, you know that person that goes through a bad breakup and spontaneously disappears to the other side of the world? Yeah. That's me at the moment.

My boyfriend, well now ex-boyfriend, decided that it would be a great idea to cheat on me with my best friend, now ex-best friend, whilst I was in another state...

so, me being the overdramatic bitch that I am flew from Melbourne airport (Australia) to LA the next day. Still couldn't tell you why I did it, but oh well, too late now.

So anyway, I landed in LA yesterday, rented a car and drove around aimlessly in an attempt to find a hotel to stay in. whilst doing this I only almost killed 7 people by forgetting that Americans drive in the wrong side of the road (honestly what is with that though aha) but I slowly got the hang of it, that and sitting on the other side of the car to drive.

After 3 hours of driving to various hotels I finally found one with a spare room, to say it was fancy would be an understatement, nut I guess the lady at the desk felt bad for me so I got a pretty good discount.

So that's where I am now, in my hotel room, eating mac and cheese from the room service menu, and contemplating getting out and doing something.

Just as I was walking to the bathroom, I felt my phone vibrate:

*ameliaaaa has tagged you in a post*

'why would she want to tag me in anything' I thought

'she literally made my boyfriend cheat on me and caused me to fly to America in the first place'


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ameliaaaa: So much love for you @charliebaker @oliviagrace

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'wow. What a bitch' I thought to myself 'sleeping with your best friends' boyfriend of 3 years is one thing, posting a picture of you kissing him is another'

And all of a sudden, the tears were back and all plans of going out were very quickly abandoned.

hey guys,

so this is my first story on here, its probably terrible so leave feedback and stuff

I'm gonna wait to post more depending on if people like it so let me know


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