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I woke up to the sound of knocking on my hotel door

"come in" I called out

The door opened to reveal the hotel service lady, who was apparently here to clean my room.

Her sudden appearance practically forced me to get out of bed and begin to go about my day. I quickly got changed into some jeans, a sweater and Nike airs, grabbing my phone and exiting the room.

As I was walking down the corridor in the direction of the stairs, because no way am I getting in an elevator, my claustrophobic ass would have a panic attack, I realised that the stairway was 'closed for reconstruction'.

'well great' I thought 'guess I have to take the elevator after all'

I reached the elevator, took a deep breath and pressed the button to call it to my floor.

I was doing great

When the elevator reached the 5th floor it stopped and the doors opened revealing a tall, brown haired boy with the most incredible blue eyes. He was staring at his phone and didn't seem to notice that I existed, but it's fine.

It didn't take me long to realise that after the doors had closed again, we actually hadn't moved. 'that's strange... pretty sure this isn't supposed to happen' I thought

"what's not supposed to happen?' the boy asked

"oh shit did I say that outload?" I exclaimed, horrified

"yeah you did ahaha, so as I was saying, what's not supposed to happen?"

"you know, just the fact that the elevator hasn't actually moved since the doors closed, meaning we're kind of stuck..."

"oh shit you're right" he murmured "well that's just awesome! Jonah is actually going to kill me"

"yeah, well this elevator is going to kill me first..." I replied

"why would an elevator kill you that literally makes no sense?"

"there's this thing called claustrophobia dipshit"

"um sorry, didn't mean to make you mad"

"no I should be sorry, this just makes me stressed" I replied sheepishly, looking at the ground

We stood in awkward silence for what seemed like the next eternity until he spoke up again

"well since we're stuck here, I should probably introduce myself, I'm Daniel, I'm 20 and I'm here with my band"

"yeah good idea, well I'm Olivia, call me liv, I'm 19 and I'm here because my ex cheated on me so I dramatically fled the country"

For the first time since he had entered the elevator, I actually looked at him, and god was he gorgeous!

"take a picture, it'll last longer" he said sassily

I quickly looked back down blushing as I realised that I had been staring at him 'god why am I so awkward?'

I've written a lot of chapter, let me know if you want the rest :)

started with an elevator • DJSWhere stories live. Discover now